Tomorrow’s Guest Blogger Is…

Nashville-based graphic designer Matt Lehman.  Matt first came to my attention (me being Brad) when Jeremy Cowart announced the winner of the Help-Portrait Logo Contest (Matt was the winner, if you didn’t already figure that out).  I checked out his website, showed it to Scott and Corey, they gave it a thumbs up, and I asked if he wanted to take one of our Wednesday spots.

I would link to his site, but I know he’s working furiously to get some new work up by the time the blog goes live.  Anyway, Matt has a great post on photography from a designer’s point of view.  Plus he’s just a crazy guy, so you’ll get a kick out of his blog even if you don’t care about photography or design.  At which point I would ask why you’re even here, but that’s beside the point…

Come back tomorrow and check out Matt’s zany post on what he like about photography, some tips on getting chosen for a job (he works at CMT), and Lamborghini Trapper Keepers!

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It’s “Guest Blog Wednesday” featuring Matt Lehman!