Update on Google+ Photographer’s Conference

We’re minutes away from the keynote at the Google+ Photographer’s Conference! Brad Moore here with some quick updates so you all know the latest of what’s going on.

First, as it turns out, Google will not be streaming the keynote, but it will be be re-broadcast later. More details on that when we have them.

If you would like to submit questions for Bradley Horowitz and Scott Kelby to answer during the keynote, head over to the Conference page on Google+ and leave a comment on the latest post there.

Keep an eye on that page throughout the conference to ask questions for other sessions as well!

Also, make sure you download the Google+ Photographer’s Conference App (Android | iPhone) if you’re using your mobile device. That will be the most convenient way to keep up with everything that’s happening while you’re away from your computer.

  1. IMHO Google Failed everyone who didn’t pay $$$ to be there in person.

    No one knows what streamed what isn’t….

    whats recorded and what isn’t…..

    to top it off it could be 2 to 3 weeks (my guess is a month +) before we can even see what ever they decided to record…. I know for sure it won’t be all of it.

  2. Sponsorship by somebody like Canon or Epson is fine, but Google is interested in one thing only – gathering as much information on you as possible. No thanks Scott.

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