We are now just 11-days away from my 8th Annual Worldwide Photo Walk™. We’re getting close to 950 photo walks already organized in cities all over the world, which is awesome. We’ll have a lot of fun, we’ll make lots of great pictures, and we’ll make a lot of new friends in the process. This is all great, but we’re also trying to do something much more meaningful.
You’ve heard of talking about “Walking with a Purpose” and we say that because we’re using this worldwide event to raise money for the Springs of Hope Orphanage in Kenya. They need our help in a big way each year, and we can really make a difference by helping us all hit our goal of raising $50,000.
Here’s how:
(1) We are encouraging each walker to find it in their heart to donate just $1 to the Orphanage. You can do this when you sign up for your walk, or you can give a gift directly, as so many thoughtful, generous, and just awesome folks already have. Here’s the link to donate whatever amount you’d like ($1 is fine, but if you’ve been blessed and can share you, that is a double-blessing).
(2) Buy one of our official 2015 Worldwide Photo Walk T-shirts (seen above) as 100% of the profits from these t-shirt sales go directly to the Orphanage in Kenya. Last year (with our friend Rob Jones help). We raised over $7,000 to feed and cloth the children, and this year we’re hoping, with your help, to hit $10,000 just from t-shirt sales alone. Here’s a link to order yours today (better order to day to get yours in time for the walk.
Together, with the $1 donation for walkers all over the world, and the profits from the t-shirt sales, we’re trying to raise $50,000 to help them feed, clothe and house some wonderful children. Note: Last year we raised more than $37,000 and that made a dramatic difference (and it was three-times the amount we ever raised before!)
Remember: 100% of your $1 goes directly to the orphanage (it’s a very small orphanage, housing 33 kids, but feeding many more each day). You have no idea what a difference your dollar will make (and it would mean a lot to me that you’re helping.
This year, we walk with a purpose, on Saturday, October 3rd all over the world. Hope you can join us. :)
Here’s a link with more details — just 11-days to go!
P.S. If you’re a company and you’d like to make a corporate donation, we would absolutely, positively love you for it and we’ll spread the word! (plus, we’ll make sure you have everything in place for your tax deduction). Contact us directly at 1-800-738-8513.
Just like you, (other organision that carter for the well being of children), we are a body trying to carter for every single child without a parent, and those children being dumped In gutters, road side, dust bin and trash cans, we have a large number of children and few old people, though we get donations from people and leaders, we still need food, portable water, good cloths, bedsheets and blanckets to go round, and we also have people who do dedicate their time to teach these children, but we lack standard equiptments like computers, marker board, chairs, desks, and equipments needed in laboratories and during practical sections, this is why we are pleading to every single one out there to help these children have a better life and future, so they can achieve there dream and purpose in life,
You can reach our orphanage home on MISSIONSOSDABOBO50@GMAIL.COM