This week, Erik Kuna and I did an episode of “The Grid” (our weekly live podcast) that we’ve been told was super helpful to photographers who have their portfolios online. We did a critique of the design, usability, and layout of their sites, and when you watch it (it’s embedded below), you’ll see a lot of photographers making the same mistakes again and again, and you’ll see why certain layouts and designs work, and which ones don’t.
Even though we may not have gotten to your site if you submitted one, you’ll still pick up a ton from seeing what works and what doesn’t.
Hope you found that helpful, and we’ll catch you here on Monday for the final part of my four-part series on learning more about your photography (where you want to go, and how to get there).
Have a safe, stay-indoors, wash your hands kinda weekend. :)
P.S. My book editor Kim Doty is giving away some copies of the eBook edition of my “Natural Light Photography Book” today over on her Facebook page. Here’s the link (and good luck). :)