Howdy, folks. Here’s whaz up:
- Yesterday was Lightroom’s one-year anniversary (for the actual shipping product), and my hearty congrats to Adobe’s Lightroom team for changing the way we work forever. had a couple of great stories yesterday covering the anniversary, including one on the significance of Feb. 19th, and a fun post with a “Do you remember where you were when Photoshop (and Lightroom) shipped” question, that’s a run read. Here’s the link to to check them out.
- The new issue of Adobe Magazine (the quarterly PDF mag free from Adobe) is now available right here (thanks to John Nack for pointing this one out).
- Vincent Versace, Photoshop World instructor and author of the highly acclaimed “Welcome to Oz: A Cinematic Approach to Digital Still Photography with Photoshop” has a fascinating on location workshop coming up called “A Photographic Exploration of India” (From Delhi to Pushkar) from Oct 31 – Nov 13, 2008. This is one of those “Shooting and learning opportunities of a lifetime” events, and if you’re interested, here’s the link the full details. Sounds just amazing!!!
- Just a reminder: If you’re planning on joining us at Photoshop World in Orlando, from April 2 thru 4th, you’ve only got about 10-days left to take advantage of the $100 off Early Bird Special Discount. Here’s the link to the site with all the info, how to register, etc.. Don’t miss out—if you’re going–sign up now.
- has a really cool “a day at Photoshop World” feature, written by Jeff Revell (Who’s sharing what he’s learned about the event, after attending six different Photoshop Worlds), and if you’ve ever wondered what it’s all about; he really does a great job of bringing it all together. Take two minutes and give it a quick look (click here).
- If you’re in the UK, check out this organization—it’s called the London Photographic Association and it sounds like a very worthwhile group. Here’s the link to their site with full details.
- David Ziser just sent out his latest newsletter, and it’s always packed with goodies. Here’s the link to sign up for this free newsletter (Hey, it’s free, right)? I do have to say; I’m absolutely amazed at the sheer amount of blogging David does each day—he is a freak of nature (and I mean that in the nicest way possible). He makes me feel like a slacker. Check out his DigitalProTalk blog (including his recent “Massive Blog Post Monday”) here.
That’s it for this fabulous Wednesday. Remember, like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. ;-)