…and cities all over the world are still adding local photo walks, so if you checked a week or so ago and didn’t see a walk near you, there might be one now, so go check, and you can join us a week from tomorrow (Saturday, August 13, 2022). Here’s the link to the official site (remember, the walk is free, free, free – all you have to do is sign-up, show up, take pictures and make some new friends. Check out the video above for more details. :)
You Can Do Something Awesome Today. You Can Help An Orphan

The social mission of our photo walk each year is to help raise money for the Springs of Hope Orphanage in Nakuru, Kenya, and they count on us to come through for them, and last year, we sure did, raising over $20,000, which makes a huge difference for a small orphanage. The photo walk is free, but lots of folks either $1 (one dollar), or buy an official Photo Walk T-shirt, custom designed each year for the event by our own Margie Rosenstein, and 100% of the profits from that shirt go to the orphanage (and do 100% of any $1 donations). So far, several photographers have donated $10, 50, and some have even donated $250, but all you need to do to help is just give $1. Just a buck. It adds up like you cannot believe, and it helps like you cannot imagine.
Here’s the link to donate (and thank you for thinking about helping out these kids).
I’m Heading To Tuscany in October. Wanna Come?

I’ve got a few spots left for my travel photography workshop in Italy’s beautiful Tuscany region this fall, and it will be an epic experience of learning, laughing, and making new friends in one of the most beautiful places on this planet. If you’d like to come along, the details and how to get one of the remaining tickets are at this link.
An Incredible Opportunity: A Joe McNally Workshop on Ellis Island

This is one of those “once in a lifetime” opportunities, and it’s coming up this September as living legend Joe McNally is holding a very special workshop on Ellis Island with special access to areas that are usually off limits. There are just a few spots left, so don’t miss out. Head to https://joemcnally.com/2022/07/26/ellis-island-workshops/ for tickets and more details.
The Photoshop World Conference Is This Month
Well, it’s at the very end of this month, but it will be worth the wait. I am super psyched about the classes I’m teaching, but I’m just one of the team of great instructors (the whole conference is online and archived for a full year after the event, so you can stream it all again, catch any classes you missed, etc.).
I couldn’t embed this video I made for you because it’s a YouTube short, but if you click the link below, you can watch it. The message is pretty important, and I’d be grateful if you’d give it a quick watch, if you’re into learning about Photoshop, Lightroom, Photography, or Lighting. It’ starts September 30th. You should be there.
Lots of really great stuff going on – it’s so great to be back out there, teaching, traveling, and having fun. Hope I’ll see you along the way. Have a great weekend. :)