This week, Westcott introduced the brightest fluorescent bulbs yet for their popular Spiderlite TD-5 studio lights. I got a chance to work with these in the past few weeks, and these new brighter bulbs just make a huge difference (they give you at least a full-stop more light).
The bulbs themselves are only about 30% larger in size, and they’re now 50-watts each (where the old bulbs were just 30 watts). So, when you get a 5-pack of their lamps, here’s what you get:
(4) 50-watt Fluorescent lamps (equivalent of 200 watts each), plus….
(1) 20-watt Fluorescent lamp (the modeling light)
For a total of 900 watts of power.
The 5-pack of bulbs above sell for around $179 (retail), and a single lamp goes for around $45. You can learn more about them, and Westcott’s Spiderlite kits by clicking here.
I believe Westcott has updated all the kits that they sell direct (well, the kits from around $800 and up), to the new blubs, and B&H Photo is now including these new brighter bulbs as part of their “Westcott Scott Kelby Studio Kit Deluxe Kit” (I’m really delighted that B&H is now including bulbs with the kit). Here’s the link to my kit with bulbs at B&H Photo.
Anyway, I know a lot of you either already have one of my kits, or are thinking of picking one up (I’m using my kit on my Lightroom Tour again myself), and these new bulbs really make a difference.
Note: I don’t get a kick-back, royalty, etc. on sales of these kits. B&H Photo has made the “Scott Kelby” kit available as a courtesy to my students who see me using the Spiderlites in my seminars, here on the blog, and during my Lightroom Live Tour, which kicks off again very soon. My thanks to B&H Photo for packaging them together and making things easy for us all. And as always, B&H offers free shipping to NAPP members in the US too. :)