Whoo Hoo! The Worldwide Photo Walk Raised $12,000 for the Springs of Hope Orphanage


I am excited beyond excited!!! When I got the call from Rob Jones last night that the profits from our t-shirt sales from my Worldwide Photo Walk broke our all-time record and that we had raised $12,000 for the Springs of Hope Orphanage, I about fell out of my chair!

But there’s a little more to the story than just that. While it’s true that we broke our record, (the t-shirt sales by themselves raised $9607.48), Rob wanted to make sure we hit $12,000 so his company “Towner Jones Photography” kicked in an $2392.52 on their own. I am truly touched (but not surprised — this isn’t the first time Rob’s done something like this).

Rob has run the entire t-shirt sale part of the Photo Walk from the very beginning simply out of wanting to help others less fortunate and we are blessed that he saw a need and pitched-in in a big way. Please join me in thanking Rob for the tens of thousands of dollars his efforts have raised for the Springs of Hope Orphanage by leaving him a note here on the blog.

Also, if you didn’t get a chance to get one of the shirts, but want to help the Orphanage, you can make a donation right here. 

My heartfelt thanks to Rob Jones for just being awesome; to my good friend and our Creative Director Felix Nelson for the cool logo he designed for the shirts, and to everyone who bought a shirt to help out the Orphanage. After the past few weeks, I think we all need to celebrate a win of any size, so please join me in thanking Rob, and here’s to small victories that mean a lot. :)

  1. This is great that the shirt sales raised so much money. On another note, I just read your editorial in the January digital issue of Photoshop User. The thing I can’t understand is why people can’t get over themselves and simply agree to disagree. This man obviously had ideals that he held dear. Just because someone else has different ideals, it doesn’t make them wrong. Unless of course one would opt to sit in the stands at a football game with his family instead of shooting the the game on the sidelines. Wow, some people.
    You guys have a Very Merry Christmas!!!

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