Why do you love photography?

It’s #TravelTuesday and I, Dave Williams, am here as always. This week I write to you from Lofoten in northern Norway. I’m on a mission to capture the northern lights while I’m here, amongst other things, and so far it’s going pretty well. I had to bunker down for a couple of days because a polar storm rolled in, but just as it cleared I got a solar storm. Perfect timing!

This week I want to evoke your mind and get you thinking about why you love photography. I know that many of you will have photo-centric New Years’ resolutions, so hopefully, this will help a little.

Here’s a shot of me and Erik ‘the rocketman’ Kuna in Germany getting our waterfall shots on point. We’re both in pretty much the same spot but ended up with different images, and this leads to the point of today’s post.

For me, photography is many things. One of those things, and perhaps the most important, is that I really enjoy showing the world in the way I see it. I was talking to Scott about this some years ago and I said to him that one thing that resonates with me is the phrase, ‘lend me your eyes and I’ll show you what I see.’ He said it made him think of literally plucking someone’s eyes out, and I get that, but the subtext remains the same. It’s the amazing power to convey my vision through photography. I can rock up at a location and put my own spin on it, capturing a moment in time and a place in space and, from the capture through to the edit, I can put my spin on it. It’s a combination of reportage and art.

So what is it for you? What do you enjoy about photography? There’s something to think about today as 2022 starts. With the knowledge of what it is about photography that you like, build some goals and get out there and achieve them!

Much love


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Setting Photography Goals for 2022 with Scott Kelby & Erik Kuna | The Grid Ep. 498