Join Jay “LIVE” for the launch of “Another Day with Jay Maisel

Hi Gang: The short video above explains what we’ve got cooked up for you guys (a first for us), but it never says what time it’s all going to happen (because I didn’t exactly know at the time I taped it). But here’s the info:

Time: 6:00 pm EDT on June 6th (but watch the video to find out what makes this difference).

Where: Right Here

We are REALLY excited about this, and the opportunity for everybody to interact with Jay live. Can’t wait! :)

  1. I’m sure it’ll be great, just as the first one was. But I gotta say, it’s been very frustrating these past several months to see it billed on KelbyTraining as “Coming next”. Kinda reminded me of the long-awaited iPad app. And now we only have to wait another half a month. But it’ll be great, once it’s finally here.

  2. I noticed in the teaser video that you shot in Columbus Park in Chinatown… That was the meeting point for the First Annual Scott Kelby Photowalk that we organized in New York City as part of that event.

      1. It is at 1:28 and 1:38 to 1:40… Clips from Another Day with Jay Maisel.

        Brooklyn Navy Yards… You were only a few blocks from where I live and you didn’t visit?… :’-( Wait, did you get a tour of the B&H Warehouse?

  3. There are two ‘videos’ that have had a massive impact not only on me as a photographer but on me as a ‘person’; Zack Arias’ “Transform” video that he recorded specifically for everyone here and the first “Day with Jay Maisel” class on Kelby Training.

    Uplifting, inspiring and emotional; incredible stuff and I look forward to being moved to another level when Jay’s new class becomes available.

    Congratulations to everyone at Kelby Training and to Jay for producing a classic series; a series that should be seen by all Photographers!

    Regards, Glyn

  4. Now there’s a way to start your day, surfing by Scott’s blog to learn about this.
    I was completely blow away by “A Day With Jay” when it came out. At the time I had only a monthly subscription (or was it a freebee from a seminar, can’t remember) but the moment I clicked “watch now” on Jay’s class (I believe it was on the day it was first published)….WHAM!! something struck me! Jay is such an amazing character and frankly I learned so much more from those few hours than I ever had as a photographer in the past. So I ended up with a yearly subscription and watched the class all over 2 times, or 4 or 5 or 6… I have really been looking forward to Part 2 and now it seems it was worth every minute of waiting :)

  5. Wow, a long time coming with this one, but it should be worth it. I had a chance to watch the first video with Jay on a free monthly subscription to KT and I was blown away. Fast forward to this past March and I attended both of his classes at PSW Orlando, and I was again blown away! The man is an icon and his work is truly inspiring. He makes you see the world with different eyes (I will always see the arrow on the FedEx trucks from now on! :) ), and that is a special talent.

    Thanks for the great news, Scott, and have a great weekend!


    P.S. Are you shooting any playoff hockey this year? Better hurry, because Tampa/Boston might not last long! ;)

  6. It’s funny but Jay is actually one of my favorite PSW memories, I was at the edge of the expo when I noticed Jay standing there looking at a guy leaning against a golf cart checking his phone, I watched Jay pull his camera up to his eye, take one picture, and walk away. I know it sounds goofy, but that was so cool! I can’t wait to see the new class!

  7. Awesome! I enjoyed the first day with Jay. He came down to ATL last year for a seminar. Very interesting guy. Hey Scott, off topic, but I wanted ask about the video production for the intro. Did you use a DSLR w/video, or is it the traditional vidcam? Also, I’m noticing some vignetting and stylization in both this video and interesting transitions in the Calvin Hollywood class. Any chance to get more details on the tools you guys use to achieve this?

  8. SWEET! Finally….Awesome….Thank You….and all that good stuff. Now as long as the world doesn’t end tomorrow, I (we) have something amazing to look forward to! :) Thank you!

    OK, I said I wanted more Moose and got Romancing the Landscape. Check. I asked where you were on Jay Maisel and you announce shortly thereafter. Check. Let’s see, whom do I want to push now….ah – more Jeremy Cowart!! :P (no, seriously!)

  9. It might be nice to consider some kind of special benefit for the people who have been paying their Kelby Training fees and hanging around in anticipation of this new video of Jay’s. After all, they are the ones actually supporting the business.

  10. Sweet, can’t wait. The first day with Jay is the reason I subscribed to the training. The software training is great, but you can get that anywhere. The sessions with Jay and other great photographers is an unmatched value. Glad you guys have been doing more of it.

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