Calvin Rules!
First, before we do anything else, I gotta give some big love to Germany-based Photoshop retoucher Calvin Hollywood who totally rocked that Guest Blog spot yesterday with some killer techniques (I tried them myself—-they rock!) along with some great insights into the job of a full-time retoucher. I loved it, and thanks to all of you who let Calvin know just how helpful his post was. Thanks Calvin—-that absolutely rocked!
Macworld picks in theirTop 5 Design Sites
A big congrats to Corey Barker, the man behind “” as it was named one of Macworld magazine’s “Top Five Design Sites!” I have to say, with the amazing stuff Corey has been doing over there, I’m not surprised. Congrats Corey!
LA Photoshop Down & Dirty Nearly Sold Out!
My buddy, and Photoshop User TV co-host, Dave Cross is taking the “Photoshop Down & Dirty Tricks” class to Los Angeles this Friday, and there are already nearly 1,000 (that’s right—one thousand!) people signed up for the seminar, so if you want to grab one of the last remaining seats—this is your last chance. Here’s the link (it’s going to be a mind-blowing day—I hope you can make it).
New Episode of D-Town TV Goes Up Today
It’s Thursday—must be time for an episode of D-Town TV (Well, maybe not if you read this first thing in the morning on the East Coast, but more likely later this afternoon). Here’s the link to watch the current episode online.
No Photoshop, but Still B&W
The Online Photographer had a post where they pointed to this flickr page showing what at first glance appears to be a popular Photoshop trick, where you make something in your photo black and white, while everything else is in color (or vice versa), but in this case—it’s not Photoshop. The woman in the photo painted herself, head-to-toe in black and white and well…you just gotta see it for yourself. Here’s the link (thanks to Dr. William J Palank for turning me on to this one).
Stop by and See Me in Amsterdam on Sunday
If you happen to be hanging around Utrecht, just outside Amsterdam in the Netherlands this weekend, I’ll be doing the Keynote presentation, and some Photoshop and Lightroom sessions at Professional Imaging 2010 (they have over 5,000 people already signed up!). Here’s the link with all the details. Hope to see you there!
Twitter not Facebook
Hi gang—just a quick note. I don’t have a public Facebook page (here’s the link as to why), but I do have a Twitter account that I’m dialed into more and more, and I’d love to have you follow there at this link.
Th-th-th–that’s all folks!
Gotta run, but I hope you all have a majorly kick-butt day! See ya tamarra!
I will be one of the 1000 at the LA Photoshop Down and Dirty tricks seminar.
Really looking forward to it.
Not looking forward to the drive up to LA. I know it will be worth it.
The link to the seminar is
“Utrecht, just outside Amsterdam”???
It depends on what kind of distances you’re used to ;-)
It’s not that far apart (only 45 kilometers and about 30 minutes by car from centre of Amsterdam to Nieuwegein, near Utrecht), but for a small country as ours we don’t consider it “just outside” ;-0
Anyway, have a good trip and I will come up and say Hello on Monday
And Scott, don’t forget the world famous Dutch traffic jams between Amsterdam and Utrecht that can take you up a lot of time!! :-)
See you on monday and I hope to say hello to you.
I’ll be at Professional Imaging on monday as well. Have a good flight and hope to catch your keynote.
Will you have time to do some shooting?
Congrats to Corey, the mans a wealth of knowledge.
Maybe next time, when you’re on this side of the pond, you’ll stop off at Focus on Imaging, in the UK, on your way home?
I’ve just printed my tickets for professional imaging!
I didn’t know that there was a photography event here in the Netherlands.
Great to see you come to the Netherlands, Scott!
I’ll be there Monday (as part of the press with Adobe) and I’ll be joining in on your Master Class as well. Hope I’ll have a change to say hi to you in person.
Have a nice flight!
Hi Scott,
Hope to see you on sunday – I will try to sneak in, amateur that I am. I’ll be the guy who will be trying to make you sign my copy of you “Digital photography” book!
(Just so you don’t confuse me with all the photo pros ;-)
I really like the idea of your Thursday News Stuffage… It is a great way to keep people in the loop on what is going on in your community. I’ve read some of your other posts during this visit and have a new subscribed via RSS. Looking forward to reading and sharing with you in the future. My name is Jenn and I manage the Twitter account at (
Congrats to PlanetPS and Corey, that’s awesome. You guys just keep putting out awesome stuff.
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