Adobe gives Sneak Peek of Lightroom 1.1 at my seminar in Boston yesterday



What an amazing time I had yesterday at my Boston Lightroom Seminar (photos by Terry White, the top one taken during the first live shoot that kicks off the day–scroll down ot the next post to see the shot I was taking).

The people of Boston were just absolutely great (what a fantastic crowd to present to), and I met so many wonderful photographers who are really excited about Lightroom. Even more so after Adobe Lightroom Product Manager Tom Hogarty gave the sold-out crowd of nearly 500 the first public look at the cool new features included in the Lightroom version 1.1 upgrade (which is coming soon), which included improved sharpening and noise reduction as well as improved file mobility.

Also, Tom was gracious enough to field one-on-one questions all day long (as did Terry White from Adobe, who was there helping out as well), and it really made for just an amazing experience.

Thanks so much to Tom, Terry, and all the wonderful folks, and NAPP members, from the Boston area who came out to spend the day with me learning about the new digital photography workflow using Lightroom and Photoshop.

The next stop on the tour is Altanta on June 1st, and then New York City on June 7th. Click here for the class schedule or to reserve your seat. Hope to see you there!

P.S. Thanks to all my blog readers who came up to say “hi.” It was really a kick getting to meet you! :)

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