Lightroom 5 Beta is here!
That’s right — Adobe released a free downloadable Beta version of Lightroom 5 and I gotta tell ya — it SO rocks!!!!
Our launch center, produced by the National Assn. of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP) has videos from us on all the new features, so I won’t spoil it for you here, but Adobe really moved Lightroom a big step forward with this release with some killer stuff for the Develop Module (hint: including a “real” healing brush), and they ticked a few key things off our wish list in the Slideshow and Books module too that make a big difference (among a host of tweaks, enhancements and improvements throughout).
Here’s the link to our Lightroom 5 Beta Learning Center — and there’s a direct link there to download the Lightroom 5 Beta version.
Scott and Matt, enjoyed the look inside LR 5 Beta. At one point had to click pause and go attend to something and came back to this. What in the heck were you and Matt talking about lol.
Perhaps you can use it in a caption contest :)
Keep up the good work all of you
I thought that with the creative cloud you didn’t have to wait for the next big release to get the new features that they were working on.
If they actually RELEASE incremental features you will get them in Creative Cloud…for example LR 4.5, etc. However Beta software is not actually “released” and hence is not included in Creative Cloud.
So, how early do you guys get to play with the new software? The launch center is copyrighted 2010.
Thanks for the updates guys. Is Adobe insisting on upgrading every two versions like they do with Photoshop? I’m currently in LR3 and don’t want to start over again.
Can you clarify your question. What do you mean by “insisting on upgrading eve ry two versions”? There is no requirement to ever upgrade as long as your OS and hardware continue to support your version of the software. You may be confusing the fact that Adobe offers upgrade pricing to users who have one of the previous two versions. But I still don’t really understand your point regarding not wanting to “start over again”. You are not required to upgrade to LR 5. If you use LR 3 and wait and then want to upgrade to LR 6, you may be required to pay the full version price rather than the upgrade price. I hope this answers your questions.
I wasn’t sure if Adobe had set a cutoff for software upgrades with LR like they did with photoshop. As it stands now you can’t upgrade to CS6 from CS3. You will have to pay the full price for the software if you want it.(start over)