Blind Critiques with Scott Kelby & Erik Kuna | The Grid Ep. 491
This week on The Grid, it’s another round of blind critiques with Scott and Erik! Tune in to see what advice they have for improving viewers’ submitted photos.
New KelbyOne Course: Macro Photography: Up Close and Personal with Karen Hutton
New to Macro? Not so new, but want a new way to approach it? Professional Fujifilm X-Photographer Karen Hutton shares her secrets to success. She’ll show you what lenses to use, what aperture is best, whether to use handheld or tripod, what to do if you’re stuck at home, how to use storytelling to make an amazing image, how to use natural light to your advantage, and the right lenses for the job. With her help you too can become “the Macro Whisperer”. That is, one whose photographs at first glance inform, but at second glance touches deeply, revealing the whisperings of Mother Nature herself—up close and personal.