It's official: I'm here to announce the dates for Scott Kelby's 5th Annual Worldwide Photo Walkâ„¢ (the world’s largest Photo Walk, with walks in over 1,100 cities last year) and you're invited to be a part of this free amazing global, social photography event.
Here's a quick Q&A with all the details.
Q. When is the official Photo Walkâ„¢ day?
A. The official date is Saturday, October 13th, 2012.
Q. Wasn’t it two days last year?
A. Yup, and all it did was create a lot of confusion and many upset walkers who felt that the walk lost a lot of its “specialness” by being on two days, so we’re officially back to walking on just that one Saturday around the world.
Q. How did the October time-frame work out?
A. That part we got GREAT feedback on, so we’re keeping it in October. We also learned a lot from last year’s walk and this year we’re working hard to make sure we’re more organized, more timely, better at communicating with walkers and leaders, we’ve improved the official Worldwide Photo Walk site, and added lots of other tweaks to make the experience better for everyone this year (more on that in just a moment).
Q. What exactly is a Photo Walk?
A. Watch the short video clip above on and you'll get the idea.
Q. Is there a fee to participate ?
A. Nope — it's totally free.
Q. Do you have any cities signed up with Photo Walks yet?
A. Yupâ”lots of them all over the world!
Q. How did those cities gets walks already?
A. We always give the previous year's Photo Walk leaders two-weeks advance notice to lead a walk again in the current year (after allâ”they're seasoned leaders).
Q. How many cities participated last year and how many photographers did the Photo Walk that day?
A. We had:
- Nearly 30,000 photographers around the globe
- We had more than 1,100 walks in cities around the world
- More than 6 million photos were taken on walks during that one day
Q. How can I find out if there's a walk in my area?
A. Go to the official Worldwide Photo Walk website and click on the "Find Walks" link at the top right, then type in the city, state, and/or country where you want to walk, and if there are any walks already organized, they'll be listed on the right side (and you'll see pins on the map in your area).
Q. How can I lead a Photo Walk?
A. You apply over at the official Worldwide Photo Walk website just click on the "Lead a Walk" button (or just click here). While you're there, make sure you watch the brief video we made for you to explain what's entailed in being a Photo Walk Leader.
Q. What does it take to become a Photo Walk Leader?
A. We're looking for people who have experience leading groups, so if you're the president of your local camera club, or a college teacher, or photography instructor, or you run a local camera store, or you've lead Photo Walks in your area before, etc., you're likely to get accepted to be a leader. We ask for your qualifications on the leader application, and that's the type of experience we're looking for.
Q. What if my city already has a Photo Walk, but I want to lead a walk, too?
A. Most big cities can accommodate more than one walk, and so as soon as one starts to fill up, we add a 2nd or even a third or fourth depending on the response and city size. Also, if the walks are held geographically far from each other but technically in the same major city, we usually add those, too. (For example, New York City could have walks in Central Park, SoHo, Chinatown, and Times Square, and probably a half dozen other locations)
Q. Is there a photo contest?
A. Absolutely! The best photo in each city (as chosen by your local walk leader), not only gets the ebook edition of my "Lightroom 4 Book for Digital Photographers," but their image is automatically entered into the GRAND PRIZE competition for thousands of dollars in prizes (from those I also choose 10-finalists, with great prizes and there’s a People’s Choice award winner as well).
Q. Wasn’t the prize a printed-book in the past?
A. It was, but getting those books to actually arrive in the winner’s and leaders hands was in, many cases, about impossible. Since this is a worldwide event, we had to ship the books all over the world, to every country you can think of. For reasons we can’t begin to control, a LOT of books never got to the winners, (they got held up in customs for months, or lost or stolen along the way — once they leave our warehouse, the whole thing is literally out of our hands). We also had a number of books each year that were badly damaged during shipping, and between those lost, stolen, and damaged and we would spend literally months dealing with very upset walkers (We still hear from walkers to this day that never received their books — they’re upset and I don’t blame them), but with an eBook we can be sure they arrive all over the world in a timely manner, and in tact, and that everybody gets their book.
Q. Do I have to enter the prize competition?
A. Absolutely not. This is a totally separate part of the experience, and if you don't want to enter your images, you absolutely don't have to (it's just to make the experience more fun, and if you don’t think joining the contest if un, you surely don’t have to upload a photo for the contest). You can go and shoot for the day, and never let anyone see your photos. Ever. They can be your private "secret" photos.
Q. Did you get any complaints about how the winners were chosen?
A. Are you kidding? Absolutely! People get pretty outraged if they think one of their images deserved to be the winner but wasn't chosen by their leader or by me as a finalist. I have people send me angry emails because their leader picked what they (and their friends) think is the "wrong photo," but heyâ”that's the thing about artâ”its subjective. At the end, I pick one grand prize winner, and 10 finalists, and I catch some heat for that, too, but I'm OK with it. Surprisingly, I've never heard one single complaint about my picks from any of the winners. ;-)
Q. Is there a separate Contest For Photo Walk LEADERS?
A. We have that, too! We started it last year as a way to honor the work of our leaders (we’ll contact the leaders after the walk with how to enter an image in the Leader’s competition), and we’re doing it again this year.
Q. What do I get for being a Photo Walk LEADER?
A. You also get the ebook edition of my "Lightroom 4 Book for Digital Photographers," and you get to pick the best shot from your local Photo Walk group and award them with a free copy of the ebook as well. Plus, that person you chose is entered into the grand prize competition for a bunch of insane prizes (or they could wind up as one of my top-10 finalists, and still win lots of cool prizes). We also have a “People’s Choice Award” where you vote for the best shot, and a special competition just for Photo Walk leaders.
Q. Do we have cool t-shirts for walkers & leaders ?
A. You betcha! Each year, our friend Rob Jones from Towner Jones Photography, who came up with idea of selling t-shirts to raise money for (you guessed it), the Springs of Hope Orphanage in Kenya. 100% of the profits from the sale of these t-shirts will go to feeding and care for these great kids. Last year (with Rob’s gracious help and contributions) we raised over $10,000 (imagine how much $10,000 means to an orphanage in Africa). I'm so grateful that Rob wanted to help us again this year.
I’ll post a link to the online store later this week (we’re updating the store with more options and colors) where you can purchase your walker or leader shirt. This year, let's buy enough shirts to donate $15,000 to Springs of Hope Kenya (we can do it!!!!)
Q. So are you leading a Local Walk again this year?
A. You betcha! The local walk I’m this year takes place in Paris, France. That’s right baby, Paris!!!! My birthday present from my wife this year was to take me back to Paris (When we were there earlier this year, I was taping three classes, two on travel photography and one with Jay Maisel) so now we’re going back to relax and enjoy this amazing city. As luck would have it, our travel dates coincide with the Photo Walk so I’m doing my walk there in Paris (and man am I am psyched!!!) Hope my Parisian friend, and top-notch photographer, Serge Ramelli will be joining me, but he probably wants to lead a walk himself).
Of course we'll end my walk at a super-yummy French cafe where we can all hang out, grab some lunch, share photos and make new friends. Also, you don’t have to live in Paris to join me on this walk — this is a great excuse to plan a vacation to Paris!
Q. What happens when a city fills up?
A. We have a waiting list for each sold out city, so if someone cancels, it automatically adds (and notifies) the next person on the list, so definitely get on the list.
Q. How many is full?
A. Photo Walks are limited to 50 photographers. If that doesn't sound like a lot, you haven't seen 50 photographers coming down the sidewalk at the same time, and later all converging at once on a restaurant or pub. It's more like a scary bike gang (except without the bikes, or gang, or scariness).
Q. I want to know more about this PhotoWalk thing; what's involved, how do I sign up, and all that stuff. Where do I go?
A. There's a detailed FAQ on the Website (here's the link), and once you're signed up for a walk, we've made it much easier for your Walk Leader to keep you up-to-date with messages on your local Walk page.
Q. Where do I go for the latest PhotoWalk information?
A. This year we have an official Google+ Page everyone can follow (manned by our own RC Concepcion, but I’ll be popping in there as well). To stay on top of all of the latest news: follow this link: [] then click the “Add” button and now breaking Worldwide Photo Walk news will show up in your stream.
Of course you can follow the World Wide Photo Walk on Twitter (@KelbyWWPW) or on Facebook (, but That's where all the latest updates from me, and from official PhotoWalk Project Manager RC Concepcion will be posted.
Q. So when can I sign up to be either a walker or a Walk Leader?
A. Right now! Here's the link, and I hope you join us this year as we make worldwide photographic history!
Here’s hoping Nashville is involved! Fun!
Wait – you say the “two days” concept created confusion and upset people? I actually LOVED the two day concept. It made the whole thing really flexible and even allowed me, as a walk leader on Saturday, to participate in one as a walker on Sunday. I say bring back the two days! :)
Hi Chris: Not gonna happen. We did it for the same reasons you outline, but it went over like a lead balloon. It’s a one-day deal from here out. Sorry ’bout that.Â
 I’m actually really sad to see the 2 day format go away, as well. I am surprised that people were so confused. Oh well.Â
Confusion? There has to be more to this confusion thing than you telling us. How can a photographer be confused about a shoot on both Saturday and Sunday. How many of the 30,000 worldwide photographers were really confused? Please tell us the details. Some photographers would like to do the walk but may have a wedding or other event to shoot on Saturday but are available on Sunday.Â
Or was it confusion on your part?
Here in Jerusalem, Israel, we’ve held the Photowalk on Sunday for at least the past two years. Â For a variety of reasons, that is a better day for us here. Â If it’s only going to be Saturday, so be it, but I vote for a weekend including Sunday, if possible. Â Thanks, Scott, for all you’re doing. Â Oh, and the Light It, Shoot It, Retouch It book was fantastic!
Killer, I’m the first in OKC to sign up on Trawick’s walk!
Thanks Scott  3 weeks away from Photoshop World. Talk about excited!
Dang!! I so wish you guys could just say that every year it’s the “second Saturday in October” or whatever. I already have a wedding scheduled to photograph. Of course, the wedding pays better than the photowalk does ;) but I totally hate missing it. Two months in advance is just not enough planning time.
So all the Leaders know, the new green shirts are totally awesome! If you are attending tomorrow’s Cs6 for Photographers class in Charlotte NC with RC I will be wearing mine so please say hi!!
Ok Ken, Rub it in that you get to see this seminar tomorrow. I’m bummed because there are no classes close to OKC, but I will visit with Scott and all else at Photoshop World. Did I mention that I’m Stoked, Excited, Psyched about that?!!!!
Here’s my photowalk in north Phoenix: Â
The reason I posted the link to my photowalk is it doesn’t show up in a search of photowalks, but there’s the page! Â
 Hi Jim…your Photo Walk is on the “Find Walks” map, try zooming in one or two times while over Arizona or even search by typing in a zip code or Phoenix.
Funny enough, I’ll be doing a landscape workshop on that day. Maybe that can be my photowalk pic???? lol. I know, it doesn’t qualify…Â darn it.
Can’t Wait! Just signed up for the NYC walk on Roosevelt Island, an area which I was going to photograph anyway. Now it’ll be more fun to do so with other photographers. Thanks Scott!Â
Here’s one holdout who still prefers the Summertime Saturday Photowalks! I’m a traditionalist.
Whoopeee. I am gonna make this year’s photo walk. I haven’ seen much of what is planned for Germany yet and also gonna chat with the wife about Paris at dinner this evening.
I’m having a problem with getting on the page to sign up! grrrr. Will keep trying. I love the photowalks
 Hi…please send a brief explanation of your issue to so we can look into that for you.
Just signed up for Coney Island NY, something I keep saying one day I’ll drive the 20 min over & do but never do, Now I get to & with others-Thanks for forcing me to finally do something I’ve been putting off!
I lead the photowalk in Derry, Northern Ireland, last year. Â Can’t seem to login and didn’t receive any advance notice.
Unfortunately, will not be able to attend this year, as I’m attending my niece’s wedding and don’t think I’ll be fit to take pictures :) Â But will make sure, as many people as possible, are made aware in my area.
Hi John: Sorry you won’t be able to lead a walk this year, but of course I totally understand. Maybe you could suggest someone who could lead one in your place. :)
Emails sent out. Â It’s a privilege to lead a walk, so I’ve no doubt, there will be plenty of interest locally.
I’m hoping that a Photowalk is set for Columbia, SC. Looking forward to participating in my first photowalk. Only problem is that at the end of the walk, I won’t be able to share pictures until later; I’m still shooting film.
Hi Ralph: you don’t actually have to share pictures. Some people show the back of their cameras, or upload images to their iPads and pass them around, but it’s absolutely not necessary whatsoever. Now, ordering yummy food — that part is necessary. ;-)
Thanks. I posted the news on the Columbia Camera Club Meetup group. Hopefully, one of the more experience members organize the event. I see that Greenville, Spartanburg and Beaufort have walks organized, but those are 75 to 150 miles away.
I’ll probably be the only one shooting film in the walk and shooting B&W. I’ll probably use Kodak BW400CN since I can get C-41 processed locally.
Hi Scott. FYI, I just joined a walk, or thought I joined but there was no confirmation message that said I joined successfully. Tried to contact the walk leader to confirm, but nothing happened when I clicked on the Send Message button. Tried in Safari and Firefox. Nada. Thought you should know.
Thanks Jerry — I’m on it.Â
 Hi…please send your user information (email address and username) and brief explanation of your issue to so we can look into that for you.
I can’t sign up for anything. Once I login, all the photowalks dissapear. I can see them before I login, but after I login there gone. :(
 Hi…there was an issue with the “Find Walks” map for logged in walkers but this issue has been corrected.
It’s great to see this happening again, Scott. I wish I could make this year’s walk, but my work schedule doesn’t allow it for the day you picked. :-(
I’ll buy a T-shirt though to support the orphanage! That way I’ll be there in spirit.
Hmm. I was 2 times Photowalk leader and my email isn’t in your database anymore :( so of course I didn’t receive info 2 weeks ago). I hope this is some small glitch. I’m looking forward for this great event.Â
 Hi…you can check the status of your leader application or if your email address is associated with a leader account at
I know :) I just fill new application for photowalk leader. I checked my all emails before I did it and no one was in your database. I like you guys a lot and you can’t stop me to participate in photowalk that easy ;) This is a awesome event. I met lots of wonderful people and made new friendship.Â
Hi there, I was leader for walks on 03 previous editions, including last one, but I did not receive any email about that.Â
 Hi Eduardo…to check the status of your leader application or to see if your email address is already in the system attached to a leader account please go the our check leader application page located at
Looking forward to hosting my first “official” Photo Walk this year. Finally going to be home and not traveling during. Thanks Scott!
I have led a photo walk here in the Shetland Islands for the last 3 years but never received an email two weeks ago. Nevertheless, I’ve re-registered so hopefully all will be well. Looking forward to it once again.
Is there a way to be notified if someone starts a photowalk in your city? There were two in the Kansas CIty area last year but none so far this year.
I wish the price is a printed book not an ebook. It’s hard to read on your computers screen. And personally if the price is an ebook, i think it’s not that attractive to join the contest.
Yes I’m signed up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cool, thanks for putting this together Scott and the entire team behind the organisation.
I’m a previous leader (twice) and I have never got advance notice. Â I may do one this year, I’ll see what’s on in my area.
When you are in Paris for the photo walk, if you have time I’d highly recommend getting to some of the french country side, and down to Lyon – food is amazing and really is beautiful.
Wow, we are excited here in Davao City, Philippines
Our walk in Newcastle NSW is almost half full, going to be a great day
I am a previous leader ( 4x) and did not hear from you ( like many others) in advance.
New policy.
I love to lead a walk , still waiting for approval !!!???
too bad I missed the advanced notice email and now I see that my account on the wwpw page got deleted. why?
October is a great time of year for me here in New England! Not only is it better weather it is easier to get the day off! This will be my first!
I was the leader for my walk in Kristiansand, Norway the last 2 years, and didn´t get a chance to get a head start at leading because my account has been deleted. Don´t know why. Is this on purpose? Has this happened to everybody?
Cheers Scott,
Stein Tore
My friend spent 2 days trying to sign up to lead a photo walk. Finally she made it. Now I have tried to sign up to participate and can not get through. I quit. Your website is so fouled up that no one can get through.