I’ve seen that phrase all over the place, but what does it really mean?
I’m Dave Williams and it’s #TravelTuesday, which means here on ScottKelby.com I’m back with you to lay down a post which, today, is all about memories.
What I mean by memories is, of course, photographs! So, the title: – “collect moments, not things.” I’m sure we’ve all seen this a million times plastered on social media as some kind of wisdom-nugget, imploring us to make memories rather than collect souvenirs. It kind of goes hand-in-hand with the other popular saying, “leave nothing but footprints” in that we’re not creating waste, but that’s off the point.
The importance of these memories doesn’t land just with us because those memories or moments we collect in our photography can be handed down or passed around for others to remember and enjoy. Put it this way: – When our grandparents were married they had an album made of their wedding photographs, and probably have an invitation in there as well. That album is the thing that gets pulled out of the attic and dusted off every now and then for the family to look at because those photographs are the things that evoke the memories of those present, and instigate the emotional response of those not present at the time the images were made.
This is important because in this digital age we still need to be making memories, collecting moments, and having something tangible to hand down and pass around, especially with the gift we have as photographers and creatives of being able to make something extra-special. At the risk of getting a little too deep here, collecting moments rather than things is certainly something that gives value to our lives and experiences. Making sure we soak it all up and make the most of it is so, so important, but having the skill and ability to capture and share those moments, immortalising them and sharing them, is basically a superpower!
Sticking with the “digital age” remark, taking it back an era and transforming our memory into something tangible makes the best of both situations. The power of print is phenomenal, it really is, and it’s worth creating the things that are going to be pulled from the attic and dusted off in generations to come when everything around us is different and new, bringing back the nostalgia and all the memories that go with it.
Print, people! Print! Just a little thought provocation and a gentle reminder for your Tuesday. ;)
Much love