Don’t Miss Moose’s Images from the Reno Air Races


Now that I’m back from my workshop, I’m catching up on reading my favorite blogs, and I saw over at Moose Peterson’s “Moose New Blog” (link), that he attended the practice sessions for the Reno Air Races (along with a group of 25 aviation photographers).

Nikon Professional Services (NPS) was there to support the event, and besides getting to hang with these guys, Moose came back with some just awesome shots. Moose posted a link to a gallery of 37 of his images from the event, but you’re not out-of-luck for getting your own, because the actual race itself is coming up this September (seeing Moose’s images really makes me want to go now. I’m going to have to check my calendar!!!).

Anyway, check out Moose’s post about the shoot, and check out his images while you’re there. Congrats Moose on capturing some amazing shots!!!! (It really torks you when a guy who is famous for his wildlife photography can turn on a dime and get incredible aviation shots. Moose can shoot anything and make it look great! That guy is sick!). ;-)

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