Hi Gang: Thanks to all the KelbyOne members who tuned in to catch my “Iceland Landscape Adventure” members-only Webcast on Thursday. One thing I didn’t get to cover on the Webcast was a look at the backpack I took with me on the photo trip — the Vanguard Quivio 44.
I did a quick field review for you (below) with what I liked about it; what I wish were different, what the bag does best.
If this bag looks like the one you’ve been looking for, here’s the link. It’s $169 at B&H.
Tomorrow I’ll have an update on my 9th Annual Worldwide Photo Walk, so I hope you’ll check back then. :)
Have a great Monday. Well…you know what I mean. ;-)
P.S. Next week: I’m in Minneapolis on Wednesday September 21st, and then Milwaukee on Friday the 23rd with my “Shoot Like a Pro Tour: Reloaded.” Tickets here. Come on out and spend the day with me.
Scott, what about something like “Think Tank Photo StreetWalker Pro Backpack” ? – $200 from B&H – slightly bigger, but if you want extra pockets, Think Tank do that really well. Slightly bigger is probably a bit better than slightly too small ?
Nice bag, did you use the 5D mk4 for that video?
The video was shot on my iPhone. :) That’s the Mark IV sitting the bag. I actually went a different route, a ThinkTank Sling style bag. Smaller, lighter, easier access and lots of little pockets inside. So far, it’s just what I’ve been looking for, but like Karen above – we need different bags for different types of work. :)
Only got one 5D mk4 ? – hahaha. I don’t use a backpack but love my TT roller bag
It will take a lot of convincing for me to even consider switching from Think Tank, IMO the best, I have at least 1/2 dozen.
Ah … the never ending search for the perfect bag. It took me about 15 years as a pro before I realized that I need a bunch of different bags for different types of work. Silly that it took me that long to be okay with that concept!. This looks like a nice bag, but can’t see it being better than the Think Tank.
Totally agree, Karen. :)
I’m totally surprised you were not using the Mindshift Moose Peterson Backpack?…….
Scott, I hear you on the Think Tank sling bag (Turnstyle 20 is the one I have). Great bag if you’re packing light for a day’s shooting, especially if you’re walking around and need to carry an extra lens or a light jacket. Alas, they don’t provide a way to carry a small tripod, like my 3LT “Rick”. That’s why the new Peak Design Sling caught my eye! You’re right, though…the search for the perfect bag is never-ending, much to the chagrin of my wife! :-)