First Look At On1 Effects 2023

The folks at On1 just did a major new feature release across their suite of plug-ins. My favorite of theirs (the one you guys know I use for my finishing moves after my editing in Lightroom), is On1 Effects, so I did a video on the new features and how to use them, and I embedded it right here. It’s about 15-minutes because there’s a lot to cover, but it’s not just a demo – I’m showing you how to use it as well because I know many of you out there are already using Effects 2022, so I hope you’ll find this helpful.

You can download free trials of their plug-ins right here. Congrats to the On1 crew on taking things up a big notch once again.

Just 8-Days ‘Til the OPTICWEST Conference

I’m so psyched! I haven’t been to California since 2019, right before COVID, and I so miss all the great folks out there, and I can’t wait to be there, teaching again at the OPTICWEST conference. B&H Photo hosts it and the wild thing about this multi-day conference for landscape, travel, and nature photographers (with an all-star crew of instructors), is that you can attend in person (in beautiful Monterey – a photographer’s paradise along the Pacific Coast), or online, and either way – it’s free. All of it. The classes, the tradeshow, the whale watch – the whole nine yards, thanks to B&H Photo. All you have to do is RSVP right here. That’s it. Don’t miss out, especially when it’s free (and these days, nuthin’s free).

Here’s the link, and I hope to see you in person in just eight days.

A Quick Word of Thanks

I want to give a big thank you to all the folks who attended our online Travel Photography Conference, which just wrapped up this week. It was a great success, with some incredible sessions from our KelbyOne instructors, including some new faces teaching with us for the first time, and I’m very grateful to everyone who attended and who has supported our online conferences in 2022. This was our last one for the year, but we’ve got some great conferences brewing for 2023, including a few surprises I can’t wait to share with you soon. 

Have a great weekend, everybody. Hey, My Bucs didn’t play as badly this week, so there’s that. ;-)


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New KelbyOne Course – Portrait Photography: Mastering Hard Light with Frank Doorhof

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Here’s a Lightroom Finishing Move I Do To Nearly All My Images