I can’t believe it’s already Friday. Here’s what’s up:
- On Tuesday I came into my office and sitting on my desk was something that made my whole week. One of my readers here on the blog had sent in a $1,000 donation check for the Springs of Hope, Kenya orphanage. Talk about being humbled by someone’s genorosity. I continued to be so impressed with the way you all have stepped up to make such a difference for these kids. (Note: I just heard from Molly & Joesph that a shipment of freeze dried meals arrived today at the orphanage—-enough for 60,000 meals! Whoo Hoo!)
- Dave Cross has had two very interesting folks in his popular “Finish the Sentence” feature; Katrin Eismann, and Dave Cross himself. Here’s the link to give it a quick read (I always find this feature really interesting).
- There’s an in-depth review of David Cuerdon’s Beauty Retouching Kit online class over at the Pursuing Photoshop blog. Here’s the link.
- The 2nd part of Ed Greenberg’s amazing series on copyright for photographers is now up online at PhotoshopUserTV.com. This is a must-see series for anyone interested in protecting their images. Here’s the link.
That’s it for today. Have a great weekend everybody and we’ll see you back here on Monday. :)