First, thanks so much to everyone who shared their opinions on the “Bolding of Keyboard Shortcuts” in my Lightroom 2 Book. Besides your comments on the bolding, I really thought there were some other great ideas there as well, so I wanted to comment on them here.
- Based on your comments, I’m moving forward with bolding all the keyboard shortcuts in the book I’m finishing up now, “The Photoshop CS4 Book for Digital Photographers.”
- I talked this week with my publisher about the possibility of including a tear-out card with keyboard shortcuts. We’ll have to see what the costs involved are (adding a second perforated card ain’t cheap), but I like the idea a lot.
- I love the spiral bound idea (and I never realized you could just pop down to Staples or Office Depot, and they’d spiral-bind the book for around $4.00. That was very clever!). The problem is; most major bookstores won’t carry spiral bound books because their books are shelved with the spine facing outward, so readers in the store can see the titles. However, here’s what I proposed; that we do a special limited-edition run (which would have to cost slightly more because of the expensive of spiral binding), that we could sell direct through Kelby Training. That way, we could easily measure the demand for this type of binding going forward. Hey, it’s a start.
I’ll keep you informed on any progress and any challenges we run into along the way, but in the meantime I wanted to let you know how much I value your input, and appreciate you all taking the time to share your comments. It does (and just did) make a difference.