Bonjour mes amis:
Our crew landed here in Paris yesterday morning for our taping of a new class for Kelby Training Online called, “A Week in Paris with Jay Maisel.”
Although we hadn’t planned on shooting on our first day, Jay was rev’d up and ready to go so we hit the streets of Paris, and wound up shooting at the church where they filmed parts for the movie “The DaVinci Code” and at the Luxembourg Gardens, and Senate buildings, as well as a little bit along the Seine river.
We’re literally heading out the door to begin another day of shooting today, but I can’t believe some of the eye-opening, thought-provoking moments I’ve already had with Jay. He really makes you think about your photography in new and different ways. Incredibly inspiring being around him.
Lots more to come, but the Pain du chocolats of Paris await! :-)
Ayez un beau jour!
-Mssr. Scott
Where will you be shooting today? I would love to see you
oops, comment went live too early…Where will you be shooting today? I would love to meet you somewhere, as I am in Paris too!
Your français is biuuutifoul mon cher Scott ;-))) enjoy the city of light and hope to see you guys again soon!
Scott, did you know that your first sentence literally means “Hello, my female friend”? :-D
I hope you enjoy Paris and I’m looking forward to the results of the week!
And that’s exactly what I meant! :)
-Scott (with Jay in line to enter Sainte Chapelle).
Except if you edited it, I’m reading “Hello friends” — no reference to male or female there.
Stephane (native parisian…)
The post got edited, either by Scott or the National Ambassadress of Love…Being Belgian, I know my French as well, Stephane and Felix. ;)
LOL, yeah it reads mes amis now instead of mon amie. Maybe he should have started “Bonjours mes chéries!”
Thats just wrong, buddy :)
Its “Hello my friends”.
Ami   <- male friend
Amie  <- female friend
Amis  <-  (male) friends
Amies <- female friends
Keep it rockin'
You’l have a great time
Hi Scott,
Great to have you in Paris – Where will you be shooting?
Do you need recommendations for restaurants :) ? One, very typical and delicious you shouldn’t miss (and one Jay would no doubt beautifully photograph): “Chez Georges”, 1 rue du Mail, very near the center of Paris – it’s not too expensive but you DEFINITELY need to book in advance if you want a table in the evening (don’t mistake it for another “Chez Georges” near Porte Maillot, good too, but not in the same league IMO).
Best regards to you and all the crew,
Stephane Desnault
Enjoy the trip! Â Continue your French lessons (KK is doing well) et profitez du de la vue, du vin, et du chocolat! ;)
Voyez! Très magnifique! I’m sure it’ll be an interesting class: a lifelong New Yorker in Paris! I had 6 years of French in school and still haven’t had a chance to go to France… So envious :)
My kids just got back from there yesterday and I’m so jealous that I couldn’t go. Â But the next best thing will be watching this Jay Maisel class on Kelby. Â Sure hope it’s ready quickly because I can’t wait! Â
Did you know there was the french president’s second election day yesterday :-)
I guess Paris was more crowded than usual.
Can’t wait to partake of the results. Have to stock up on croissants…
Scott, be sure y’all don’t miss goin’ to that restaurant with all them little rats making the meals. They made one of them thar’ movin’ pictures about it! It was a hoot!
Have a blast over there with Jay and the crew. Hope to see the video up on Kelby Training before the end of the summer!
Bonjour Scott
Try the Rue Montorgueil, a wonderful shopping district, lots of wonderful restaurants, boulangeries (bakeries) and bistros and more importantly reflects la joie de vie of les Parisiens and would give Jay some wonderful street shooting opportunities. Check it out on Wikipedia. Was there last year and I must say that I kept coming back for the food.
Seriously cannot wait to see the results of your trip; both classes and photos.
Have a wonderful time there guys.
Glyn :)
Seriously, In Paris shooting with Jay Maisel. I am so jealous. :)
Scott, that’s “pain au chocolat.” Respect the pastry, man!
Wow, first we get to spend 2 days with him, now we get a week? That’s incredible! Can’t wait to see it!
Great times I’m sure. I’ll keep an eye this week (Like all other weeks) for more!
That photo on its own just makes me want to travel. Have a wonderful time and I am so so jealous in a nice way of course :)
All these French lessons have me confused!! :)
I will be in Paris again next month. Â Your posts are so timely for me. Thank you so much!!!!!!!
Thanks for your kindness when we randomly met at the crepes stand last week in the Luxembourg Gardens !Â
I must admit Maria (on the picture) was kind of impressed when you guys arrived with your cameras and your steadycams… shooting madly at us
But I’m sure she did pretty well to serve your nutella crepes, you greedy guys ;)
Ahhh, can`t wait. I`ve been watching the Day With Maisel over and over again. If I`m not inspired before going out shooting, that`s what I do. Thanks for all the great work you do for all us photographers!!!
Thanks for posting, those are very useful for me! :)