Hi Gang: I’m totally calling in ‘lame’ today, and taking a day off.
I just got in from New York City on a late night, really crowded, oversold flight, and after spending Tuesday taping “Another Day with Jay Maisel,” then Wednesday doing a shoot for my next book (full details and photos coming on Monday), and all day Thursday doing presentations at Photo Plus Expo, I am just whipped.
I’m taking today off to spend with the kids, and just hang out. I wish you all a wonderful weekend, and I hope you’ll stop back by on Monday.
All my best,
Sleepy Bear
You’ve had a heck of a full week, Scott! Get some well-deserved R & R over the weekend. Don’t worry….we’ll all be sitting here waiting for you to get back! :D
Scott. Can’t wait to see Jay Maisel 2! The first one was.. well.. better than cool. Anyone not subscribing to kelbytraining.com has no clue what they are missing.
Absolutely! I also loved the Jeremy Cowart class, that guy has an amazing eye!
A little break once in a while charges the o so important batteries to keep things rolling!
Enjoy the weekend Scott… you’ve earned it ;-)
A little break from time to time charges the o so important batteries to keep things rolling.
Have a nice weekend… you’ve earned it.
Everyone needs a “better mental health” day once in a while!
A day off… I am going to tell your boss!!! Oh….. you are the boss.
Hey Scott
Keeping us updated with your tremendous blogs every day is hard work. A good break is always needed, just relax.
Priorities Scott…you got ’em sorted! :)
Enjoy the weekend and I’m sure we’ll catch you on here next week.
We all need a day to unwind and relax. Have a good one Scott.
Really don’t know how you do it anyway, I can’t even blog once a month, let alone 5 days a week.
Thanks Scott you deserve it. Finally got a chance to meet you and shake your hand. Enjoyed your presentations. Just in case you forgot I’m the 6-string bass player.
Lame? I doubt that. You deserve days off more than any person I know.
Have a great weekend.
I’m just tired listening to your schedule. Enjoy the long weekend!
Scott, Since seeing you in Moab and following your schedule, I’ve been wondering how you manage to keep going at the pace you’ve been. Glad to hear you’re taking some time off for the family. Smell the roses!
I hope you’ll be back at PPE on Saturday! Your Wacom demo for great, despite Matt’s headshaking.
Scott glad to meet you again at the photo plus in new york – You always make learning so easy I believe you could teach behavioral economics and make it fun and easy. Thank you so much Scott for being who you are.
Chad from New Jersey
Hey that’s part of living your dream……..and as you take a well deserve day off take a minute to pinch yourself to make sure you’re not dreaming because you get to do what you love and hey you get paid for it too……..how sweet is that!
No excuses! :)
How dare you.
Enjoy your weekend. Can’t wait to hear about the new book project. -Craig
You work so hard, you deserve time off. Anyway, it will give us Bay Area folk a little less distraction to enjoy game 3.
Enjoy it ! The time you spend with your kids will leave a cherished human impact long after your seminars stop getting booked, outdated books are forgotten and rendered antiquated artifacts of the digital age…. your progeny will bless you for your time and interest in them, and have a good pattern of parenthood for their own lives too :)
two thumbs up
You need a “care day” every now and again. We are amazed at your energy in the first place. Have a great day with your kids.
Spending a day with your kids could never be considered “Lame”. “Lucky”, “Important”, “Essential”… yes. “Lame” – never. Earlier this week when I read you were, yet again, away from home for an event in NY, I thought about your poor family and how they’d probably like to just have some time with you. I’ve been traveling much too much myself lately and have been enjoying some needed “just hanging out” time at home myself this past week. Absolutely no apologies or excuses needed. Your blog readers can learn more than just photo tips when they visit, you know. Enjoy!
I need a nap after reading that schedule. Take three days, but it is hard to get rest in NY.
I read your blog entry from Moab workshop and was at Arches Park last week. We took your advice and had some fabulous burgers at Milts. Thanks for the tip. Can’t wait to go back in the spring, but hope to drop five pounds first….Milts is a must!
Looking through the archives…
Thanks for the inspiration:
Slacker !
Enjoy your day off. Well deserved.
Well deserved time off!! Enjoy your family time. Remember, family FIRST! Have a great weekend and we’ll see you here next week!
I hope your day of rest is perfect.
Is this day off authorized?
Jay Maisel ranks high on the list of great people, in addition to being a great photographer. Time with him is transformative. He should live forever. Last weekend in Burlington, I settled for Heisler, Jay’s close friend, who also happens to be a great photographer and a good person. Not bad company, eh?
a day off? next thing you scott will want to take a lunch break. whats this world coming to. rest well buddy. next time use Ultra High Capacity Li-ion Battery Packs.
I’m glad you took the day off! Great lighting class at the show. Not just because I won the book set but it was great! As usual with these classes, I always want them to be longer, all day!!
Thank you for the autograph!
All the best!
A day off!
No blog post…?
Then I’ll be expecting a full refund sir…..