Hi, everybody! Sorry I’ve been so silent here on the blog for the last, or 12 days or so. I’ve been in France and London, and the pics above are from my Father’s Day dinner last night in London with my son (center) and two absolute strangers, better known as Dave Clayton and Peter Treadway. Top men for sure! Well, Dave did the whole walrus thing, but outside of that, top men.
I have so much to share…..
So many pictures and stories, but just about none of it is ready (I still have a ton of images to go through, and a Spark page to create, and hopefully I’ll have all that on Friday with any luck).

Spent a glorious Day with Dave Williams
Yes, that Dave. The “Capture with Dave” Dave. The Dave of “Travel Tuesdays with Dave,” Dave. We shot all over town; had a marvelous burger at “Honest Burger” and just generally had a ball. Dave is a boss! In fact, he has “the keys to London.” (wink).

Le Mimo!
I got to spend a week in France with one of my favorite people — Mimo Meidany. Incredible photographer. Long exposure master. Composition master. Yes, all of the those, but one of the nicest guys on the planet, too. My son and I loved getting to hang out with him (it was my son’s first time meeting him, and he’s a Mimo fan now, too!).
OK, I gotta run. I am heading home today, and I’ll catch you up on all the other stuff soon, but I just wanted to let you know where I’ve been, and that I’m heading home. Can’t wait to see my girls! (Kalebra, Yittle, Maggie and Maki). :)
Cheers, and we’ll talk soon. :)