It’s Embarrassing Photo Friday (and some news)


Somehow, I actually forgot that yesterday was “Embarrassing Photo Thursday” so just consider this “The Day After What Would Have Been Embarrassing Photo Thursday.”

But before we discuss the photo above (and sadly, we will), just a quick thanks to Matt Bailey for being my first actual Vendor guest blogger, and my hat’s off to him for providing some great insights and ideas without turning the whole thing into a big plug for his company. And, since he didn’t do that, I’ll do it for him. Here’s the link to LiveBooks (the company he co-founded), which builds “…customized photography websites to help you get more work.” Thanks Matt. Ya done good! :)

Now, about the photo above. This one was from a little later in my musical career, around 1984 or 85. If a song I was singing didn’t have keyboards, I’m come up front and do my best Eddie Money impression. This shot was taken when I was in my “retro sports coat phase” where I bought old style sportcoats from Goodwill for about $6 each, and rolled up the sleeves because (say it with me now,) “That’s was we did back then.” The skinny tie was from Chess King in the mall. The name of the band was “Park Avenue,” and we played Top-40 Dance Music and Rock.

At the time, I had a bunch of promo bumper stickers made up for our fans which read, “Darling I love you, but give me Park Avenue.” Of course, this was so long ago that people actually got that Green Acres reference. One last thing; that shadow on my face isn’t facial hair; it’s a shadow from the mic. Now that that’s behind me, onto the news:

As Usual, You Guys Had Some Great Ideas!
The post was up hardly an hour, and I had already found some great new ideas for my Vol. 3 book. I honestly haven’t had a chance to go though even half the ideas, but these folks already definitely have a free book coming:

  1. Jim Godo
  2. Kat Clark
  3. Anita
  4. Alexandre
  5. Marcin Grzybek
  6. Tyler Green

There will be more when I look through the entire list (over 200 suggestions), later today, but I wanted to at least let you guys know how much help you were. Your input will make a big difference in the book.

Workshop Updates
Here’s a heads-up on four upcoming workshops that are all filling up extremely fast

  1. Jay Maisel’s weeklong workshop in New York City (May 18-22) has only one space left at this point. If you want to grab it, here’s where you can go for info. (Note: his June workshop is already sold out in advance).
  2. Mary DuPrie’s “Photographing Models” workshop in Pontiac, Michigan has only two spots left in her May 9-10th workshop (her July workshop is already sold out, too!). If you want to snag one of those last two seats (and I highly recommend you do), here’s the link with details.
  3. My Photoshop Down & Dirty Tricks Tour in Washington DC is nearly at capacity and will sell out sometime later today, so if you want to join me in DC next Friday, grab one of those last seats right now (here’s the link).
  4. It was just announced last week, and there are already just a few spots left for Joe McNally’s Hot Shoe Workshop on the island of St. Lucia in the Caribbean. Here’s the link with details. Hope I’ll see you in St. Lucia.

Terry’s Lightroom Workflow
My buddy Terry White did an Adobe Connect session featuring his Lightroom 2 workflow and I saw comments from some of the attendees and it was a big hit. If you’d like to see the entire presentation, Terry recorded it and you can watch it for free (it’s called “An Evening With Terry White”), by clicking right here. Thanks Terry for sharing this with my readers.

Good News From Kenya
I just had to thank you guys once again, because you always come though. I heard from Molly at the Springs of Hope Orphanage in Kenya (which is due to open next month), and in just one day you guys donated nearly three thousand dollars to the Springs of Hope, Kenya Orphanage to go toward the furnishings, kitchen supplies, and playground equipment for the kids. No matter what else you do or don’t do today, one thing you did today is help build an Orphanage from the ground up—-one that’s half way around the world. One where you’ll probably never meet the kids whose lives will be changed by your donations. These are children on the other side of the world who’ll never know you helped put a roof over their head. And the fact that they won’t, makes it that much more special that you did it. Stuff like this is what it’s really all about.

The Votes are in!
I didn’t get a chance to thank everyone who participated in my “Guess which one of these three shots was shot with a small off-camera flash” poll last week (the other two images were shot with a studio strobe). Literally thousands of you voted, and the fact that most of us got it wrong (56% chose either 1 or 2) just reinforces the fact that as far as “quality of light goes,” the difference is now very, very subtle (so subtle, most people aren’t able to tell the difference).

Want to See some Great Photography?
Time for a little Friday inspiration. If you’ve got two minutes, check out the black and white work of photographer Hiroshi Sugimoto. It’s just different in an interesting way, and I think you’ll enjoy it. Here’s the link.

I wish you all a really fantastic Friday, and I hope you make some amazing photos this weekend. Have a great time, and we’ll see you back here on Monday!

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