It’s Free Stuff Thursday!


Wedding Photography Bundle by Jerry Ghionis
Join Jerry Ghionis on an action-packed, non-stop series of wedding shoots as he shares an endless supply of professional tips and tricks on everything from posing your subjects to getting proper exposure in every form of light you can find. This bundle includes Jerry’s KelbyOne classes Picture-Perfect Lighting Techniques and Perfect Posing Techniques. Leave a comment for your chance to win this bundle, a $69.00 value, for free!

Last Week’s Winner
1-Month KelbyOne Subscription
– Randy in MS

If that’s you, we’ll be in touch soon. Have a great Thursday!

  1. I’ve not done enough weddings to find out if the anxiety ever subsides, but weddings must be one of the toughest ways to make a living.. In my limited experience anything that can help is welcome.Someone once said that good judgement grows from experience, but experience grows from bad judgement, so let’s embrace anyone who is prepared to share experience….. and, come on, this is JG!! To me he is the new David Z (I would still stick my neck out and suggest that Cliff M is still the Boss). Yes please!

  2. Wowweee… pretty please add me to the draw! I currently feel so unmotivated and just need a push in the right direction. I have got what it takes… I know that if I keep on working I will eventually get where I want to be. I love my job, it gives me freedom to be creative, it’s a major mood lifter, it keeps my feet firmly on the ground and it gives me freedom to be there when my kids need me. I love his work and it would be a great honour to learn from such a great photographer. I will most definitely benefit from his DVD.

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