It’s Friday—I’ve got Nuthin’

Hi gang:
I’ve been heads down on a couple of projects on critical deadlines, and I’ve just got nuthin’ for today here on the blog for today, so……..I’ve…well….uh….how about we make this “Bad Blog Friday?” (Whoops, too late—it already is).

Now, it’s entirely possible I’ll wake up in the morning and have something and post it, but I’m just totally beat right now, and I can barely form sentences, so have a great weekend and we’ll see you here on Monday, where hopefully I’ll be somewhat coherent.

    1. Hi Ingoman:
      I write all the posts myself, except for:

      (1) The guest blog on Wednesday, and
      (2) When my digital tech and studio manager Brad Moore announces an upcoming Guest Blog for me, but he posts those under his name (it usually starts with “Brad here….” so you know right away it’s him.

      Other than that—I write all the blog posts myself, and most of the time I really enjoy it, but every once in a while you run out of stuff, and today is a perfect example. I had topics I could write about, but none that were short enough for me to just bang out, so I’m saving those for next week. :)


      1. Jetlag ? I’m suprised one of the great photo companies that you endorse all the time hasn’t given (or tried to) a discount for Friday. I own a business and I would be glad to get my product on here (mine is a restaurant, anyone who knows me mention this blog for a discount). Hey if Nikon is wathcing, give us a big glass discount, I will by one today!

      2. I do like it when he begins with “Brad here…” That way I can adjust the voice in my head so I don’t read Brad’s words in Scott’s voice.

  1. Yeah, that’s my name. You think about that, I do sometimes. So anyway, I was wondering if you noticed the picture associated with this post. It just looks more
    like a fantastic photo because of
    God, not because of the “skills” of
    the photog. Just sayin’

    peace out

  2. Hi Gang:
    OK, I got up this morning, had a big cup of coffee, and I just put up a post about D-Town TV.

    Thanks for hanging in there with me, and have a great Friday! :)


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