Thank you, Scott for letting me interrupt your guest blog series with some unnecessary foolishness.
Photographers are a weird bunch, which is why a daily comic strip centered around the business writes itself (or so I wish). For this guest blog I’ve decided to highlight 10 themes (some controversial) that have made for good comic fodder over the years.
1. Man vs. Machine
One of the six elements of comic strip humor is writing something that is “recognizable”. It’s no wonder then that this strip has become an all-time favorite to many…
OK, who HASN’T heard that before? By the way, I’m still look looking for an upright bass that will make me sound like Brian Bromberg.
2. Pro or Pro bono
That strip has been turned into a verb. My dad emailed me to let me know he was “WTD43’d” one time. Writing for one of the most unregulated industries provides a fair amount of material. Who’s a professional, who’s not and who cares?
The following strip is inspired by the second most asked question of photographers. (the first most asked question being: “Can I have a copy of that?”)
3. Photoshop vs. Photosh*t
Photoshop – It’s just a tool. Really? Just?! This may be the understatement of the century when considering Photoshop’s impact on photography in the last twenty years. It may also be one of the most abused “tools” in recent history.
Endless debates exist as to how it should be used and how much it should be used. When something looks TOO GOOD, it MUST have been Photoshopped.
Unfortunately, powerful post production tools have created a lazy “fix it in post” attitude among many professionals. Personally, being on the back end of many shoots (both live and still) it’s a frustrating job security.
4. Size matters
It’s not the ax, it’s how much attention it can get you. And yes, I’ve pulled the big gear card before and it can get you free admission and better seats. I have no shame.
5. Gearheads
Photography is a very interesting hobby where half the population is obsessed with the technical aspects and the other half doesn’t know what an f-stop is. That’s probably what makes photography great. It’s so inclusive. People can find joy in complete different aspects of the medium. Some find joy in peeping, some find joy in seeking.
6. R-E-S-P-E-C-T
WTD is like the Rodney Dangerfield of photographers. It makes for better humor. A comic strip about Scott Kelby just won’t be as funny.
7. HDR
I looked through the 1000 plus WTD strips and just realized I didn’t have an HDR related strip. So here’s one I created exclusively for the Scott Kelby blog…
8. Film
The following strip is based on a very real experience I had…
You have to kind of feel for all the abandoned film cameras out there. Of course they’ll have plenty of company with all the outdated digitals.
9. Low-ball-ers
It’s really fun and cathartic writing for a character who has the absolutely worst clients in the world. The sad part is how many of these strips hit really close to home for so many.
10. Edumacation
Photography/education is always an interesting topic-combo to tackle. I’d like to know the ratio of DIY’s versus formally educated photographers. If the DIY’s aren’t in the lead, they certainly will be after enrolling in the duck’s class…
Thanks again Scott, for letting me lampoon your awesome blog. And thank you, to everyone who has supported WTD over the last four years. May we never forget to stop and laugh at ourselves every now and again :)
For more What The Duck, check out, follow @WTDComics on Twitter, or check out the Facebook page.
Laughing all the way. Thanks, Aaron.
love the strip.
I love love love WTD :) Thank you so much for keeping it going strong. Keeps me smiling instead of gritting my teeth. LOL!
This is very funny!! I bet Joe McNally would be funny in a strip. Great blog!
Aaron — been following your strips for what seems like years now.. You rock!
My life is richer for having read WTD273!
Haha, great stuff. Thank you very much for the duck ;-)
Hey I’m looking for an electric bass that will make me play like Victor Wooten, and he’s a good friend of mine! :)
Great blog as well !
Wow, a Bromberg and a Wooten (my all time favorite musician) reference in my favorite photo blog! My day can only go downhill from here.
Thanks for a mid morning humour break in the office – WD466 & WD832 are my fav’s from this selection.
Appreciate the great work and keep it up.
These were brilliant! My favourite was the ‘nice lens’ one.
Made my day!
Exquisite! Wonderful, entertaining, and thoughtful Blog. I’m a new fan.
What’s he doing peeking in my window, Tuu Tuu Funny!
Way to go….great post, great fun. Irony abounds in this business, and Aaron nails it day after day. And he’s right…so much funny stuff happens when you get out there with a camera — well, what the duck!
Love it, wouldn’t go a day without WTD.
Love your strip Aaron! I think I’m gonna use the jumbo drink idea at my next sporting event. LOL!
Wonderful! :D
Excellent post. It’s really nice to start the day with a laugh!
Great stuff, as always, my friend!
Love this! What a laugh. Great blog Aaron – count me as a new fan.
Thanks for the laughs. Love the strip.
It’s great to see you get a guest blogger spot on Scott’s blog! Thanks for making us laugh, keeping it real, and keeping things in perspective – regardless of how funny or true.
It’s like you’ve been sitting in on my classes! Thanks for finding the humor in the absurd.
Another new fan.
Awesome post Aaron!! I’m a huge fan of the strip and I’m sad to say, I relate to many of those strips. :) Keep up the good work!
I’d never seen this strip before – and it’s brilliant ! (and hilariously reflective of life experiences of course….)
Two Thumbs Up!
Love it..Made me laugh :)
Fantastic! WOW!
I think one of the best Guest Blogs I have seen…. and it is all so true.
Ducking brilliant!
“too much HDR” hahahahahahahahhahahahhahahhaaha
love it!
i loved it!
it was very funny!!
Really funny stuff … but as an amateur I can’t help but feel slightly insulted, or maybe that’s me just laughing at myself. One of the best guest blogs to date!
I think you covered the bases. I’ll have to try the ticket for the cheap seats and a large drink at my next event.
My best laughs each week come from WTD. Thanks Aaron!
Scott – Got to add this to Popular Posts!
Hilarious! And so honest. Great points and true satire.
Always good to see you somewhere- casue you see us everywhere!
BTW- still playing my WTD Bass I got from you! Call me next time you break another! ;-)
AWESOME! loved it!
Aaron, excellent presentation. Your illustrations and pithy comments got at the truth more effectively than any bloated blog by some middling hack. My favorites were “what analogy?” and the one about HDR. I thought I was the only one who viewed all HDR as examples of overly applied sharpening gone bad. They actually do hurt the eyes. Ironically, the possession of more sophisticated cameras and gear do not translate into better quality pics was also an important reminder to all of us.
I have seen the odd strip every once in a while, but never several in a row. I was laughing outloud at work by the end. You have been added to my regular reading. Thanks.
Great blog this week and I am another new fan!
I had to use the Duck as my new computer wallpaper. A plush duck can’t be far behind! A lot of great merchandise available on Aaron’s website.
Oh no. I’ve already unsubscribed to one photography blog because it prominently featured this humorless comic strip.
Now let’s make that two. Unsubscribed.
Now that’s funny.
And very sad
Booty Hurt I guess…so sad.
Read the strip every morning at Breaky.. wouldnt miss it! Great work, keep the laughs coming!
The special HDR one was a real treat.
The best guest blog ever. Gotta love WTD. Somedays his comics keep me sane…..
Where get I find one of those analogy sticks? I guess he forgot to (gulp) “duck”.
Now that’s funny, love it!
Have the site as one of my first RSS feeds I check every day.
Oh man, I’ve never seen this strip before, and now I’m becoming extremely unproductive this afternoon by reading your website. Great guest blog post!
Like a good photographer I have read your strip for years and have enjoyed it.
Never understood it but enjoyed it.
HAHA great comics
thanks Greg
Another photog with great sense of humor? There is hope in this world. Luv it.
This has got to be one of the best and funniest guest postings ever here! It just made my day. Thanks so much, I needed that badly. :-)
Absolutely wonderful. Thanks so much.
Brad, having met you at a Yosemite workshop 2 1/2 years ago, I must say you have grown, blossomed and matured!!!!! I certainly hope Scott appreciates you!!!!
I love WTD, my favorite is the one where the woman wants her money back because she looks fat, and the duck replies that shes doesn’t ask McDonald’s for her money back.
Tim, he should have used a skinnier lens. :)
Best Guest Blog Yet, Best Blog Yet..Oh yeah…you guys really rock. (When’s Nellie coming Back)
wow. funny as h*ll
WTD is so funny and yet not a single comic ever featuring miniature shetland ponies.
Hilarious! As a daughter to a very enthusiastic photographer dad, I couldn’t stop laughing!
I just love WTD, Dilbert and WTD are just my type of humour.
These are really good are they published in the UK at all? Grant
I love WTD – the Mozart one might be my favourite – but I will never ever forgive you for replacing Get Fuzzy in the Toronto Star. Can’t there be room for both!?!??!
ps. I realise this isn’t your fault in any way.