It’s Guest Blog Wednesday featuring Steven Taylor!

Hi. I'm Steven.

Although I was flattered to be asked to contribute this Wednesday, I nearly passed up the opportunity because I truly didn't know what I could offer that would be worth reading. I am a photographer, which is why I was considered in the first place, but I don't have much to say about gear or workflow.

Instead, if I could leave you with anything, I'd say: Everything matters. From my experience it's the most important thing to remember.

Big things like how you treat people or how you conduct your business are obvious, but little stuff is often overlooked. I've seen the smallest details come back around in huge ways and I've noticed that people notice more than you'd think.

Most, including myself a lot of times, get caught up with their normal routine and miss a lot because what they do “works” for them. I'd certainly rather continue to grow than exist in a routine that just "works" and I've found a lot of success in paying close attention to details.

Do everything you can do and then do something extra.


You can see more of Steven’s work at, and follow him on his blog, Twitter, and Instagram.

  1. Well said Steven. Many envision the forest but forget to look at the trees. It all matters. Photographs are not video, are not fleeting, they are static and lend themselves to an amazing level of scrutiny. Take the time to care and you will be more satisfied with your images and not have to visit “If only I’d.” Conversely never forget to be spontaneous, but do it with intent. Crediting a lack of planning for spontaneity will not hide the fact one is trying to pass off a snapshot as a great image. Intent shows through.

  2. Steven, your writing style and humble attitude would have made William Strunk, Jr. proud for its brevity and the ability to make a point in easy to understand prose. Attention to details is important and something I try to cultivate in my digital paintings on advice I learned from illustrator and artist Maurice Harvey. He said that many a good painting has been ruined because of one item that has been poorly rendered.

  3. Awesome to see you on Scott’s blog Steven!

    You already know how I feel about your work; keep up the amazingness!

    P.S. – Scotty Scott! I hope all is good with you passing by showing your site some love!


  4. The point is well-taken, Steven. I sure would have enjoyed hearing three or four examples of how small details matter and the stories behind them. That would be worth reading.

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