
Hello world! It’s me, Dave Williams, and it’s #TravelTuesday so I’m back, right here on ScottKelby.com, just for you!

This post comes live from Iceland where I’m about to board a plane back home to London. Sad times! But this trip has been epic so I can’t grumble! The purpose of this mission was to shoot the northern lights, and out of the four nights I’ve been here they came of for three of them! There’s been a little bit of a geomagnetic storm on, so combined with the cloud-free skies it’s been awesome! I’ll be posting some of the shots on my Instagram when I get them finished so keep an eye on that. Also, just for the record, I’ve switched my social media handle from capturewithdave to idavewilliams. It’s not because a new operating system came out, but in short it’s because I needed to get my whole name in there somehow, and I was limited with options.

Anyway, let’s get to the point! Photowalk leaders, this ones for you (and Photowalk attendees, keep an eye on them!)

Scott Kelby’s Worldwide Photowalk is just around the corner. Having led a fair few photowalks in my time, I’m in a reasonable position to lay down some tips and tricks for the walk leaders.

First, and probably most important, everything takes longer than you think it will. You can be so stringent when it comes to planning your timings, but the group will always have stragglers who will be stopping to take more photos when it’s time to move on, or walk slowly having a chat at the back. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just the way it is. Just be aware of this if you have something planned with strict timings.

Next, the word ‘leader’ comes with responsibilities and expectations. You will be asked questions, and you will be expected to know answers. The Worldwide Photowalk is not an educational experience, rather it’s a social one, so work out your stock answer for questions you can’t field.

Breaks – personal breaks, refreshment breaks, you need breaks. Having plans for your route which includes restrooms, coffee, water, all these food things, will make your walkers so much happier. Plan a good route taking these things into consideration.

Enjoy yourself! There are pressures that come alongside being a walk leader, but make sure you take the time to chat to people, make new friends, and enjoy yourself! You deserve it – in planning and leading a Photowalk you’re doing a wonderful thing. You’re amazing, well done!

Much love


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