We’re just 5 days away!
It’s this coming Saturday, October, 5th, so head over to the official site and see if there’s a photo walk set-up near you (if you haven’t checked in a while, it’s worth checking again – we have photo walks™ organized in over 900 cities around the world). Plus, it’s free; you’ve got a chance at some amazing prizes (including awesome Canon Cameras and lenses, and Adobe software, and Platypods, and lots more!), you’ll take lots of photos, meet some new people, and you’ll just have just a ton of fun.
Check out this year’s photo contest prizes!

If you win the Grand Prize in this years photo contest (entering is totally optional) you might pick up an incredible prize package (above), but even if you’re not the Grand Prize winner, you could still win one of these awesome prizes (below) as a finalist.

I’m off to Chicago to lead a local walk there on Saturday morning – my first time leading a walk in Chicago, one of my favorite cities in the US (and home to many yummy
See you here tomorrow for Travel Tuesday with Dave, and his Photo Walk update! :)