It’s a great Monday (ya know, for a Monday), and here’s what’s goin’ on:
- Photoshop and Politics: check out this article from the UK’s Telegraph, about how the French President’s love handles were retouched away for a recent article (complete with before and after examples. Thanks to Carl for turning me on to this one). Check it out here.
- Want some Photoshop inspiration to kick off your Monday right? Check out the amazing retouching, CGI, and photography of Rocket Studios. This is just some amazing work (check out their different portfolios—you will be amazed and inspired for sure). Here’s the link to Enjoy!
- More than 500 photographers will be learning the “New Digital Photography Workflow,” using Lightroom and Photoshop CS3 with me this Thursday in Chicago at my Lightroom Live Tour. We’re almost sold out—if you want to go, you can snag one of the last remaining seats at
- UPDATE: We’ve added another city to my Lightroom Live Tour, as we’re coming to Tampa, Florida on October 30th at the Tampa Convention Center. You can sign up right here (It’s $99 for the public; only $79 for NAPP members).
- There’s an interesting article over at about how to win a photo contest. It’s got a lot of great insights, and worth the quick read. Click here to jump there. Thanks to my buddy Jeff Revell for turning me onto this one.
- One of my readers pointed me to this blog review of my new “Photoshop CS3 Book for Digital Photographers.” Check it out here.
- This is totally just for fun; it’s a short parody video about Microsoft’s answer to the iPhone, called the ZunePhone. Hilarious! Click here to watch it online.
- Perhaps most importantly: I have an update on my Gitzo Traveler Tripod field report from Friday, so if you would, please scroll down to the next post for the full scoop.
That’s it for this Monday. Have a great start to your week everybody and we’ll see you back here tomorrow!!! :)