It’s Monday, and that meansâ¦it’s Monday!
- There’s an interesting article over at one of my favorite blogs; The Online Photographer, and it’s about “Photoshop Excess (the overuse of Photoshop,) and not only is it cleverly written, it makes some very good points. Check it out here.
- If you’d like to start your day being blown away, take a moment and visit the site of German design firm Zerone CGI. Their specialty is creating 3D versions of cars (using 3D Software) and integrating them with a photographic background, and they are so brilliant at it that you’ve just got to see it. Their home page graphic shows the process with an animation which starts with just the background photo, then you see a wireframe, then a rough model, then the finished car with detail (see a capture from their site above). Just amazing!Next, when you’re on their site click on the link (up top) for Galerie (the site is in German, but if you don’t speak German don’t sweat it—you’re just looking at the photos), and check out the samples of their work. Hard to believe they’re not real photos. Here’s the link (this is an absolute must-see).
- I just learned that Realtors are using my book, “The Digital Photography Book” for improving the photos they take of homes. It’s an interesting article/review over at the Real Estate Blog Lab.
- Make sure you check out this week’s episode of Photoshop User TV (which should post later this afternoon), which is the first episode actually shot in our new in-house studio (finally!), and we have new graphics, and a new theme song (both courtesy of our bad-a#$ editor and general boy wonder Jason Scrivner), and it’s the unveiling of our official new name (as Photoshop User TV, named after the magazine), logo, and look. Thanks for everybody’s patience (watching us tape episodes in “on location” studios which included the back of Corey’s Mini Cooper, a golf course, Dave Cross’ pool, and a host of other weird temporary locations).
- The just posted not just a review of Photoshop User magazine (although that’s primarily what it focuses on), but a review of NAPP as a whole, and I have to say it’s a very thorough look at the whole picture from top to bottom. Check it out right here.
- Just a quick reminder; if you’re selling any used camera gear, do what I do; contact “” and let her do it all for you. The site is run by Laurie Excell, (who’s teaching a pre-conference workshop for beginning digital photographers at this year’s Photoshop World Conference), and Laurie does just a great job (at both selling your gear, and teaching!). Check it out right here.
- Hi Mike. Hi Don. Hey Jeff; see you next week!
Well, that’s it for today. Hope you have a great Monday, and we’ll see you tomorrow!