Hey gang, Brad Moore here with some great news… Moose Peterson has just released the next issue of his iPad version of the BT Journal and man, have they packed in the content!
There is no doubt he loves to teach when you see the 30 minutes of video content, 28 pages of written text, the oodles and oodles of photographs, and the giant captions this issue packs inside its, covers. Moose his son Brent, who produce the iPad version, have over 140 hours in just the production of this issue, and it shows.
I really love the spinning D4, now that’s fun! Oh, the issue is about the D4 sort of, how you make the most of the body you have and how to select a new body to buy. Moose did a wonderful job talking about incorporating the D4 into his shooting while explaining how you can use the same concepts to find the right body for you.
Seriously, I think this issue is a must for everyone, every brand, every discipline of photography. Well done Moose & Brent!
What does BT stand for?
OK, I got it: Â Biological and Technical
I have a question about your blog, do
you think you could email me?
LOL @ hold bars, I mean really, could the Internet be bad deep down?