Nancy Massé (better known as @NAPP_news or simply “The International Ambassador of Love” representing the Languedoc Roussillon of France), created a Facebook Fan Page for me, and basically handed me the keys (in other words—she set it up for me, but she’s not doing any of the posting for me).
This has worked out pretty well so far for two reasons:
(1) Since it’s a “Fan Page” you don’t have to send me a friend request, or wait for an approval, or anything like that. If you want to see what I’m up to, you can just click the “Like” button, and you’re automatically “in.”
(2) My original Facebook page was supposed to be just for personal friends and family, but I never really posted to it, so I basically use it just to keep up with what my friends and family are doing, since they actually do post. However, thousands of people sent me friend requests there, and since I didn’t really use that page, people got mad when I didn’t approve their friend requests (which I didn’t know were there in the first place), and now it’s so full Facebook thankfully won’t let anybody else request to be friends, so slightly less people are mad. But this new Fan page is for everybody. Chacun est bienvenu!
MINI DISCLAIMER: I do try to respond to some of your comments on this new Fan Page, but sadly I don’t have enough extra time to answer Photoshop or Lightroom tech support questions there, so I hope you understand if I skip over those, or I won’t have time to do….well….anything else.
So, now I: (a) Actually post daily to my Facebook Fan page, and (2) Anybody can see it, add comments, hang out, etc., as long as you’re not mean, of course (WPMPAR).
Here’s the link, and I hope you’ll at least stop by and say hi. Last week I posted iPhone photos of Matt, RC, Corey and Dave Cross’s office (and the view of them from my office) and yesterday I posted a photo of Brad’s office captured in a remarkably pristine state (just seeing that rare phenomenon alone is worth a visit—just kidding Braddo) ;-)
Just started my page last week. I always said I would get a FB account when they made a movie about it. I can say it has come in handy a few times ;).
facebook makes life fun inasmuch as it is totally noncommittal. You can respond or not. You can keep up with people (or not). Obviously, I immediately “like”‘d you when you showed up last week ;-)
Like it, Like it, ….. as soon as Possible ….. :D
Best wishes
Fan pages, blogs, website, Linkedin, Twitter, YouTube
Do you ever feel like your swarmed in the process of giving out information? Its like we’re everywhere yet nowhere at the same time.
Well I will click on the like button today :)
And Flickr.
Dear scott,
Great news, I will definitly come and check your new facebook page. I love your blog and read it weekly, 80 % of the time I read it on my Iphone (between rendez vous, at lunch when I eat alone ect …)
Could you install the wordpress mobile plug in, this way your blog will be more readable on my Iphone.
I dont know if it’s doable, but it would be great !
(I ‘m the french guy from Paris that came to say hello in vegas – at the house of Blues – just before your amazing concert – especially your ‘should I or should I go’ from the clash !
Posted from an an Iphone in a lobby in paris between 2 meetings !
I’ve had a business page for BluesEdge Lane Studios on FB for about a year. Can’t say it has directly generated many leads. But it does give those who like the page a chance to see what I’m working on. I also just recently started a Flickr page. BTW Scott, dude post at least one image up to your Flickr page now and then!
All this along with my main page, upcoming blog, AND my Zenfolio page! As with many others, I just don’t have time to be posting minutiae to all the sites all the time. Like Lincoln said, “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt”.
Scott Bourne’s podcast #53 this week with Scott Kelby is kick-butt!
What does that mean?
We’ve used to buy a few thousands of fans for multiple facebook pages and they always over delivered on the number of fans that we purchased by up to 30% of extra fans. After the Socialkik campaigns were over, newer visitors to our Facebook page are more willing to become a fan than before, because they see that it’s being liked by over 10,000 of other fans.