It’s Only Been One Week And We Already Have Over 1,000 Photo Walks Organized Around The World!


This is just insane! So exciting, and just crazy! In just one week, over 1,009 cities already have photo walks approved as part of my 9th Annual Worldwide Photo Walk, sponsored by Canon. WOW!!!

We have NEVER had this many walks, this quickly, and I’m just absolutely delighted (and very thankful to our Leader coordinator this year, Jeanne Jilleba, who has been working her butt off getting all of these walks approved so quickly).

If you checked last week, and there wasn’t a walk in your city yet…
…I’d go back and check again. Chances are, there is one now! (link)

Above: This is the group shot from Paris a couple of years ago, led by our friend Serge Ramelli (that’s him bottom right corner giving a thumbs up – I’m behind him standing to the right in the black Adobe hoodie. Photo by Kalebra). 

We’re still accepting new cities
If there’s not a photo walk in your area, it’s not too late to volunteer to be a Walk Leader. Head to the official “Worldwide Photo Walk” site, and click on the Lead a Walk button to apply.

Thanks to everybody who has signed up for a walk, and to everyone who has volunteered to lead one, and to Canon for making this all happen (and for providing lots of amazing prizes for the contest portion of the walk). This is just awesome!



P.S. Whoo Hoo!!! :)

  1. I have hosted several of your Photowalks over the years and my daughter has attended each of them. Regrettably for me she and family moved from Florida to Georgia. She called me last night to say she was approved to facilitate a walk in her new community.

      1. It’s more important to me that I’m helping out the orphanage with my shirt purchase! It might be too chilly to wear just a t-shirt that day, but I’ll look awesome no matter what I wear….. :-)

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