Photos From My Trip to Marrakech, Morocco

I’m way, way overdue for sharing these images from my trip to Morocco (and you thought my post about my Lisbon trip shots was late), but I finally got a chance to get a Spark page put together with them. Thanks for everybody that asked about them, and that has been so patient as well.

I shared the images, story, and behind-the-scenes shots using Adobe Spark Page. Here’s the link. 

Thanks for letting me share these images with you. :)

Have a great weekend everybody (and I have a trailer for you to watch below if you want to learn some cool stuff this weekend).



P.S. If you could learn Photoshop in an hour…would ya? Of course you would – let’s do it this weekend. Check out the official trailer below: 

  1. Great shots in Morocco. I just got a Platypod and am getting my feet on wet in using it. Its a great a idea. The low prospectives really help bring drama to the shot.

  2. Great photos Scott. My inquiry, which I hope is not inappropriate for this blog, is about Spark. I’m curious about it since it is newer and I have little experience with it. I have seen you post many stories with Exposure as well and I guess I am wondering about the differences, why one over the other, how it works and what all it can do. Maybe you could do a post on these types of “photo/story telling” digital tools. I will look for some on-line tutorials, but thought I would ask since I value your common sense approach. Again, really like the photos (especially the older gentleman looking at the camera).

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