Against my better judgement, I gave Brad a few days off to visit his family in Tennessee, so since he’s not hear to do Pimpy Thursday, I thought I’d cover it for him (Serves me right for letting him have vacation time). Won’t make that mistake again! Now, for some sweet home grown pimpin’:
Invite your friends to join me, and “The Photoshop Guys” for a live Webinar
Remember the “Napp-a-thon” we did last year? It was a huge success and loads of new folks joined NAPP that night. We’ll we’re doing it again, but this time we tried hard to find an even dumber name, and by golly I think we’ve done it. That’s right, it’s called “SNAPP!” (I’m not making this up).
Anyway, it’s broadcast live, it’s next Wednesday, from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm and we’ll be doing lots of tutorials and fun stuff to give folks an idea of what we do at NAPP, and why they should join. If you’re already a NAPP member (and nearly 75,000 of you already are), please invite your non-member friends to join us that night for free. They’ll have a great time, and learn lots of stuff. They (and well….anybody) can register right here (right now).
My thanks for helping us spread the word. (P.S. If you miss the live Webinar, we’ll post a rebroadcast the following day, but if you watch live, we’ll have some cool giveaways, including some sweet Lexar memory cards).
David Cuerdon updated his “Beauty Retouching Kit” for Photoshop CS5
David’s super popular retouching class on Kelby Training Online has been totally updated for Photoshop CS5. So, you get everything updated from the original class plus David included a start to finish headshot retouch explaining every step along the way, plus it includes a downloadable PDF portrait retouch checklist, and how to deal with common problems like braces, eyeglass glare, fly away hairs, etc.. If you’re a Kelby Training subscriber, and you’re into retouching, you can check it out right here.
PhotoForge 2 for the iPad
I’ve talked about Filterstorm Pro for the iPad, and how it’s kind of like “Photoshop for the iPad.” Well, I just saw a video demo of PhotoForge 2 for the iPad, and it might even be better (I say might, because it hasn’t been released yet, but it looks amazing!). Here’s the demo video I watched (thanks to @Pironik17 for the heads up):
Just 3-Weeks Until My Light It, Shoot It, Retouch It Tour come to New York
Hundreds of photographers have already signed-up for my only stop in New York City this year of my “Light It, Shoot It, Retouch It Live!” tour on June 2nd at the Javitz Center. If you’re anywhere near the area, I hope you’ll join me for the day. It’s only $99 (including a detailed workbook), or just $79 for NAPP members). You can reserve your spot right here (we have limited seating, and seats are filled on a first-come, first served basis. The first four tour stops all sold out in advance, so if you want to spend the day with me, learning lighting, shooting, and retouching, snag your seat now).
Well, that’s Pimpy Thursday for this Thursday. I think Brad would be proud! :-)
CAKB, how about a Charlotte trip in the future? 8-)
Brad, stop back by the Flounder on the way back!
PLEASE come to Charlotte!!!!!
Hey, I might do that since my brother lives there in Matthews. Unless you come to Knoxville. You know, those of us who live near Brad… lol
Wait, what?…..No Brad? :( He is the Pimpy Evangelist! Well, guess we can make do with you, Scott. I mean, you did owe us a blog of sorts by taking that Friday off a couple of weeks ago to drink tea, eat a scone and watch those Brits tie the knot.
I got one of my friends, Steve, to join NAPP (and go to PSW…you met him!), and I am working on another friend to join. Maybe it will be a “SNAPP” if he watches the broadcast (I bet Matt came up with that name, while sitting at the conference table, brainstorming catchy names, snapping his fingers….). I’ll be there, just to watch the ensuing shenanigans.
I saw a lot of dates added to your LISIRI tour on the site. You should be pimping those too! :D Good job with the Pimpy this week, though!
Hoping Brad’s family is dry, I wanted the group to know that the Cuerdon training video is better than the first! The download does take awhile.
Thankfully my family is all on the eastern side of the state, so we’re dry! I do have friends in Memphis though, so my prayers go out to them to stay safe. I came home to see my mom and sister both graduate college this week! Very proud of both of them :)
And thanks to Scott for taking over this week’s Pimpy Thursday duties. You indeed made me proud too ;)
You going to shoot at Big South Fork while you’re here?
I was an honor, sir. I also represented you on various Call of Duty maps last night. :)
Neil – My family is in Wartburg (where I grew up) so that’s definitely familiar territory for me! No time to shoot there this week, but I’m here often enough that it’s not a rare opportunity for me :)
Scott – watch out for that claymore!! ;)
Hey William!
So glad you liked the class!
The download is big because I included all the tools and such from the 1st class and added a lot more new!
Dave Cuerdon
I’m thinking NAPP-A-PALOOZA for the next one then ;)
Have you been on the Red Bull again? :)
Actually, I like that NAPP-A-PALOOZA name. Did Glyn come up with it and tell you? ;-)
Glyn has all my best ideas, he even told me to write that ;)
I actually used “NAPPA-A-LOOZA” in a comment I made live during the last broadcast. I’ll get my lawyers right on that Dave and Scott. ;-)
Hi Trev
My attorney has looked into this, according to ‘Tom-aye-toe versus Tom-ar-toe’, the famous court case of 1947, there is a distinct difference in pronounciation and spelling.
I say lets call the whole thing off ;)
I watched the David Cuerdon video yesterday as well. What an epic class. Had to break for lunch midway through. The downloads available with this class are just incredible. The tools, brushes, and especially the actions, are worth the price of the annual subscription to Kelby Training. Thanks to David and NAPP for bringing this class to us.
Hi Steve:
Does he rock or what!!!!
I’ll pass on your comments to Dave—thanks for sharing them. :-)
Aw Shucks!
Hey Steve,
Can I hire you to be my publicist? ;-)
Seriously Steve, Thanks so much for the kind words!
It’s comments like yours that really make being a trainer great!
Thank you again,
Dave Cuerdon
1 am to 3 am on the 19th? Don’t think so.
I used to work for an international company, and we usually went for 1pm Eastern, for EMEA and North America, or 5 Pacific for Asia-Pacific.
Guess we didn’t have much in India, Sri Lanka, the stans or the Maldives
My plan is to be there for SNAPP; of course, if my wife cracks the whip, I may need to watch it on Memorex. She seems to think that getting ready to move to a new state is more important than me sitting on the ‘puter watching Kelby/NAPP stuff. She is SO misguided. ;)
– Kev
I enjoyed your recent webinar covering your portrait retouching book – looking forward to this one!!
I’m going to watch the video today – yay! Gosh I sound about two years old – ha! Have to say Kelby Training ROCKS big time and don’t get me started on NAPP membership…….. fantastic :)!
Hey Scott! I just got my e-newsletter from PPA’s Professional Photographer mag. And there’s your new book in a featured tutorial section. Jeez, is there no getting away from you?? :-)
Scott is like that toe fungus that you can’t seem to get rid of. :D
Pete, are you sure you have already signed that contract? 8-)
I’m a recent subscriber to NAPP, recently launched into photography and I have so much to learn at the age of 49! I desire to be a proficient and effective artist in the field of photography and Scott I’m looking to you to help me reach this goal. My investment into NAPP is one of the best things I could’ve in recent months. I’m going to submit my website and my work is not nearly up to your standards but I’m asking for help!!!!
Is A Day with Jay Maisel 2 ever going to be released? Or are you trying to set a record for the longest running “Coming Next” entry…. :P
It does serve you right for giving him time off! I think the iPad app “might” be good.
*gasp* Scott! Your grammar! “so since he’s not hear to do Pimpy Thursday,” should be “here.” Sorry, high schooler’s gotta keep up with his fatal flaws! ;)
Brad learned pimpin’ from a master… just sayin’…
Hey Scott, PhotoForge 2 looks incredible, but it is still not Photoshop for the iPad! Surely, with all your inside access, you know what is up with Adobe! Are we going to see Photoshop for iPad in the near future? It seems that they easily could produce a professional level app since there are already photo editing apps like PhotoForge 2 out there. Why are they dragging their feet? Is it because they are holding a grudge against the iPad for not supporting Flash? ;)
David Cuerdon outdid himself with his CS5 Beauty Retouching course at kelby Training. His course alone is worth far more than the cost of a year’s subscription at Kelby.
Some instructors do a better job showing off their own knowledge and skill than they do teaching. David clearly worked hard developing an outline that encourages student learning. Every photographer needs to take this course!
His first retouch course was excellent, but his current course is the best Kelby has to offer. Best regards, Tyke Frost
Hey Tyke!
Thanks so much!
So glad you liked the class!