Hey, real quick, before we dig into this, just wanted to thank all the folks who joined us for the Photoshop World Conference this week. We had a fantastic week, with absolutely great attendance (nearly broke last year’s record), and I’m so grateful to my team here at KelbyOne, who did an outstanding job, and to everyone who attended the conference and helped create such an awesome community vibe. Thank you!
No, The New iPhone Won’t Have That One Camera Feature You’ve Been Waiting For

We’ve been waiting and waiting for this feature from literally day one, and every time we think Apple is going to finally give us a 10x or more zoom on the camera, they don’t. Just about every competitor has a tighter real optical zoom but the iPhone. Sadly, instead, what it appears Apple will do is, give us 48-megapixels and tell us there’s so much resolution that we can crop in tight, so a long optical zoom doesn’t matter. Nobody’s asking for a 48-megapixel camera; everybody’s asking for a real 10x, or higher zoom (instead of our lame 2x, which really isn’t a zoom at all), but don’t get your hopes up – it’s not coming, and that stinks. It’s the Achilles Heel of what is otherwise an amazing camera, but it looks like there’s no long optical zoom in sight. Sigh. :(

I’m Teaching Travel Photography at OPTIC WEST 2022
I am psyched, honored, and super jazzed to be one of the instructors at the first West Coast OPTIC conference, coming up November 6-7, 2022, in one of the most idyllic photography locations in the US: Monterey, California.
Their New York conference earlier this year, produced by the folks at B&H Photo, was just outstanding, and I am thrilled to be teaching there again, especially with it being in Monterey, which is not only where I honeymooned with my wife (33 years ago tomorrow) but is a location I’ve taken trips to twice in the past just to take photos. Here’s a link for more details – hope you can come.
Come With Me To Italy Next Month

If you want to grab one of the last spots (I had an extra spot open up) for my travel photography workshop in the breathtakingly beautiful Tuscany region of Italy next month, here’s the link for details and tickets. It’s going to be an absolutely epic learning experience. You’ll come back having learned a ton about travel photography, about post-processing; you have some incredible food, lots of gorgeous new images, and you’ll make some great new friends. It’s the trip of a lifetime, so come and join me and KelbyOne Instructor Mimo Meidany for “Timeless Tuscany” next month in Italy.
If you’re into Lighting, catch my live class in Salt Lake City Sept. 16th

Come out for “dinner and a class” with me at the grand opening of Pictureline in Salt Lake City. I’m there on behalf of Westcott lighting and Canon, and I’m doing a live demo on stage and then sharing a ton of my favorite tips for making great portraits using lighting. I’ve got lots of cool stuff to share, and I’d love to get a chance to meet you. It’s just $15 for the dinner and the class, and when you go, they give you a $15 gift card, so you get your money right back (how cool is that?). Details and tickets are at this link – go reserve your spot now.
That’s it for now. College football is here, and I could not be more psyched. #rolltide! Have a great weekend, everybody!