On Saturday, Matt, RC and I got up early and drove over to Orlando to catch David Hobby’s Strobist workshop on off-camera flash, and I gotta tell you—it was even better than I had hoped!
David is just a great teacher, a natural public speaker, and he’s very funny and engaging (that’s David above–photo by RC). During the workshop (which started at 9:30 am), he revealed some really great techniques that had us taking notes all day, and I had already gotten my money’s worth in first hour—it was that good!
He broke the day into two segments, starting with teaching off camera flash technique in the morning, and then doing lots of live shoots in the afternoon, with David setting up everything from scratch, from simple one-flash shoots (one of which had RC as the subject), and wound up with more complex set-ups using up to five flashes later in the day. He showed techniques for lighting any room with two flashes, and some great techniques for group shots, and since you saw everything from scratch, right in front of your eyes, it was a really great way to learn.
I just can’t recommend David’s workshop enough, and if it’s coming anywhere near you—you’ve got to sign up (by the way; both days were sold out in advance, so when you see it’s coming your way—you’d better snag a seat quick!). He’s coming to Phoenix in March, and the first day is already sold out (here’s the link with full info). Anyway, if you can catch this workshop, it will change how you light (and see) the world from now on. :)