Happy New Year’s Eve! And, of course, happy #TravelTuesday to you all! I’m Dave Williams and, on ScottKelby.com this week, I just want to explore a couple of ideas for photographic New Year’s resolutions, so let’s do it!
Firstly, what is a resolution? Apparently, it’s a tradition in which a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behaviour, accomplish a personal goal, or otherwise improve their life. We can improve our photography and tick this box!

Here’s the easy one: – learn more! We all learn differently and there’s a way for each of us to learn more photography in 2020. Take a look at KelbyOne and consider signing up for any of the awesome membership plans to learn from the best instructors in the industry—it’s a guaranteed win! Or how about finding a book that suits your field and interests.
Maybe your photographic New Year’s resolution could be to spend less time on social media or to spend more time on social media. Maybe you will decide that you will not hesitate in taking the photos you want to, or that you won’t leave home without your camera. Maybe, and this is a big one, you’ll stop comparing yourself to others and start comparing yourself to a past version of yourself!
There are apps and project ideas out there that maybe you can use to help you achieve a goal, such as the 1SE (1 Second Everyday) app or a 365 project (or a 52 project if you’re feeling a little less ambitious.)
Furthermore, in the interest of enhancing our photographic eye, how about a resolution that incorporates a smartphone? We all have an amazing camera in our pockets nowadays, so we don’t necessarily need to focus on a project which requires our “proper” camera, but could instead use our smartphone camera.
Whatever it is you decide to do for your New Year’s resolution, do it with all your heart and inject it full of passion. Us artists have plenty of that, so let’s use it! If something’s worth doing, it’s worth doing with all that you have.
Now, it’s nearly tomorrow, so get to thinking about what your photographic New Year’s resolution is, then head over to my Instagram and tell me what it is in the story!
Much love