It’s not actually my first time shooting the Navy’s incredible Blue Angels — it’s just my first time shooting them when they’e actually flying. I got the opportunity to shoot them at dawn on the ramp back in 2015 (see below), but I never got a chance to actually photograph them flying until this past week.

I got lucky enough to shoot them last Friday with my friends and fellow members of the ISAP (the International Society of Aviation Photographers), during the Alliance Airshow in Ft. Worth, Texas the day after my seminar in nearby Arlington.
I put together an Adobe Spark page with the images, the story, and some behind-the-scenes shots: hope you can give them a quick look (don’t worry — there aren’t nearly as many shots as in my trip to China. I only got to shoot for four hours total, before having to head for my flight home).
Here’s the link. – Hope you can check them out. :)
Thanks for checking out my Spark Page, and I’m looking forward to seeing a whole bunch of you photographers up here in Richmond today. Can’t wait!
I’m Coming to San Francisco and Atlanta Next Month!
Very excited to be teaching my seminar “Ultimate Photography Crash Course” seminar in San Francisco (Wed., Nov 6) and Atlanta (Mon., Nov. 18th), and I hope you can come out and spend the day with me.
Tickets and more details here (just $99 for the full day, including my 153-page printed workbook. Even less if you book right now, plus it’s 100% money-back guaranteed if it’s not the best photography seminar you’ve ever attended at any price, period).