Setting the Bar Low Guarantees Success!
I went into this trip with very modest photographic goals: I just wanted to do better in Denmark, then I did in Spain last year, where after 10 days in Barcelona I came home with absolutely nothing. Not that I didn’t shoot, mind you—I just came home without one shot I’d show anybody. (My buddy Dave Moser didn’t believe me, so I showed him what I got in Spain, and his exact words were, “Ohhhh. Boss. What happened?”).
I had never been to Copenhagen, so although I did want to take lots of photos (and I only had 2-1/2 days to shoot), I didn’t want to see this beautiful city from only behind my lens. I wanted to experience it firsthand, and get to enjoy the people, the culture, and the history without feeling like I was only there to shoot it. I also wanted to visit with Terry as it’s not often where I get to spend a few days with him where we’re not both rushing off to teach a class, but of course with Terry being a photographer, we both never went anywhere without our cameras.
Awesome Architecture
I was really taken with the modern Danish architecture, and so I shot quite a lot of it, and even made special trips out to see certain buildings. Of course, I did take lots of touristy shots, too, of things like the boats in the harbor, and the Little Mermaid (well, I took shots from the boat), and your standard touristy snapshot stuff, but I don’t include that stuff in my photo book (captures of which you’re seeing here on the blog today). The softcover book was made using the latest version of Apple’s iPhoto, using one of their built-in book templates (Click on any one for MUCH larger views, plus I captioned most of them).
My Gear
I wanted to travel really light (I didn’t even check a bag), so I brought my Nikon D3s and just one lens: my new 28-300mm f/3.5-f/5.6, and honestly, it was so wonderful not having to ever change lenses, and yet never feeling like I had the wrong lens. That lens is so sharp and crisp—-I just loved it (though, if it were just 4mm wider; making it a 24-300mm, that would be my dream lens).
Terry brought one extra lens, a 10.5mm fisheye, and I did borrow it once to shoot the inside dome of an amazing church, but that’s it. I took 1047 shots total, including lots and lots of backgrounds for compositing (for me, and for a project Matt’s working on) and I shot quite a hot of 5-bracketed exposures HDR shots. When it takes five photos to create one HDR image, you can really crank through a lot of shots. I only kept a few HDRs in my photo book (three actually), even though I shot an awful lot more.
The “Other” HDR Secret
Today, the shooting and tone mapping of HDR images is actually fairly easy, but not a lot is said about the real art of HDR photography, which is knowing which types of scenes make great HDR images, and how to compose them so you get the most out of the HDR effect. RC talks about this quite a bit in his upcoming HDR book, and I think it’s where the art of HDR really lies. Well that and post processing the living daylights out of it. ;-)
My favorite story from the trip. Well, there were two
We rented a car and drove to Malmo, Sweden (which was awesome), because I wanted to see a twisted skyscraper that a guy on Twitter turned me on to. It was totally worth the short 30-minute drive (plus, Malmo itself was just beautiful). Anyway, after that Terry wanted to try out his new Navigon GPS for the iPad, so we programmed it to take us to “Hamlet’s Castle” back in Denmark, not far from Copenhagen.
We drove for about an hour, and I must say—the Navigon worked like a champ. Plus, I’ve never seen such a large GPS screen (GPS on the iPad looks HUGE!). It made me want to get a Navigon myself (I use Tom Tom for the iPhone, and love it). Anyway, we’re driving for an hour or so, and then it has us leave the highway, and now we’re driving through a shipping port. I said to Terry, “Does this look right?” and at that moment it says “Turn Right” and we do. We had to stop the car, because (wait for it….wait for it), it took us to a Car Ferry. One that had already left for the day. The gates were closed. Everyone was gone. Terry and I looked at each other, and we just started cracking up.
So, Terry went to his Navigon preferences and turned on the checkbox for “Avoid Ferry’s” and then we began our hour drive back to Malmo, and then onto the castle. We didn’t get there until like 6:30 pm, but we laughed all the way there, so it was worth the extra driving. What really cracked us up though, was the way the route showed our car leaving land and heading out into the ocean (presumably in the car ferry). We were actually probably lucky, because I can’t imagine how much that car ferry would actually cost, because just the toll to cross the bridge into Sweden and back was $114.00. Yowsa!
The Other Story
I had nothing do to with this one, but when I heard it at dinner, I nearly shot Coke Light right out of my nose. Terry, Greg, and Jason (the Adobe Worldwide Evangelists) have been touring like this for years, but they had a new Evangelist join them on this tour—-a young guy named Paul. He’ a really nice guy (and obviously a very smart guy), except that he made the mistake of walking away from the breakfast table while leaving his iPhone on the table with his Twitter app open. Greg picked it up and sent out a Tweet to Paul’s followers as if he were Paul. It was just one word. “Pooping.” Then, to make matters worse, they got out their phones, and they all retweeted it. And their friends retweeted it, and so on. When I left Denmark, they were plotting to do it again, and this time they would use just two words. “Still pooping.’” I think I left Denmark just in time.
At Least I Beat Spain
Because you can see that I’m actually showing some of the images from my trip here, I feel like I did better in 2-1/2 days in Denmark than I did in 10 days in Barcelona. We had marvelous spring weather, and bright blue skies, and not a drop a rain the entire time. Terry is just a blast. Totally fun guy, up for anything (trains, cars, tours, weird food, border crossings, etc.). The Adobe guys were really fun, plus I even got to watch the first hour of their two-hour presentation, and I even picked up a few new things (these guys are really good).
My Thoughts on Denmark
I was really taken with their love of design. They care how everything looks, and there are lots of sculptures, museums, art, fountains, and incredible building, both ultra modern and very old. Danish design is absolutely top notch, and companies are willing to to invest heavily to create incredible offices and public areas.
The people were absolutely lovely. I never ran into anyone who didn’t speak English, and they spoke it very well. Plus, the entire country was very, very clean. Sparkling in fact. You’ve gotta love that! Lots of national pride there, and in Sweden. They two countries seem like they make great neighbors.
I visited the Tivoli Gardens amusement park which was a personal highlight for me. I had read about it for many years (it was the inspiration for Walt Disney to build the original Disneyland, and now I see why), and it was incredibly charming. Even better than I expected.
Funny aside: I went to the hotel concierge to ask about getting a train schedule to Malmo, Sweden, and he looked at me and said, “Hey, you’re Scott Kelby. What are you doing here?” He was a photographer, and retoucher, and he was really helpful. I had a guy come up to me in Sweden on the street, too who was currently reading one of my books. Those “It’s a small world” moments are really fun. I even ran into a NAPP member who spotted me in Copenhagen on the last day. People are sometimes embarrassed to come up and say hi (I’ve gotten emails from people who saw me, but didn’t say hi), but I always get a kick out of meeting people who read my books, or watch our shows, or have seen us live, so I’m always happy to meet them. Heck, I’m happy to meet anybody.
One more thing. If you’re planning a trip to Denmark, it wouldn’t hurt if you knocked over a bank before you visit. Well, a 7-11 at the very least, because it’s incredibly expensive. Everything is. Taxis, food, hotel rooms at a regular old Marriott, water, air, you name it. Bring your checkbook. But as expensive as it was, it was worth it. What a great place! I hope I get to go again and take my family (once I’ve had time to build up some money, just in case we want to go to dinner out one night while we’re there). ;-)
CAKB (now I’ll read it) :-)
Scott, awesome pics, I know you guys had a great time! You didn’t see one of my pics over there? 8-)
Glad to see you are getting your rest! :D
Idid! For 2 nights.
Comment first, then read – lol
It’s even funnier when you know it’s just a copy/paste on the first post! :D We’ll keep him around though…..
My only comment: you showed us pictures of things, and only 3 people. My pictures of Copenhagen and its surroundings last year were of its people, the people with me, and the other tourists gazing at the sights. Your pictures of the 3 people are much more interesting than just things; oh, where is Jay Maisel to take pictures of people? To prove my point would you show these “things” as the best of a Kelby Photowalk 2011 of Denmark?
Tastes definitely differ. Speaking for myself, I adore the architectural images, much preferring them to street photography a la Jay Maisel. Scott has a remarkable ability to excel in so many photographic genres. My personal favorite happens to be his architectural work but there is something in the Kelby collection for everyone. I love this work and I love the layout. Too bad those of us using Lightrooom on PC’s cannot do something similar. Lightroom 4 perhaps?
Great pictures.
As of ferry costs same as bridge, or actually bridge costs the same as ferry. When they built Oresund bridge, they put price to match ferry :)
Wonderful post, Scott! Seeing the sights and architecture of Denmark and Sweden is always a treat. Would love to put those countries on my bucket list, but I have too much of the USA I want to see.
All the shapes, colors, textures (and sometimes the juxtaposition of them) in these shots really worked for me. They reminded me of a few shots I took of the Getty Center in LA a few years back… 8) Will you be getting the book printed for yourself, or are you just showing what it would look like if you did?
In regards to William’s comment above, I really liked the photos of things! Of course, shots of people would be interesting too, but it sounded like backgrounds for compositing was the goal, at least for these pictures on this trip. Scott, it looks like the few photos of regular people that you take are from a distance, or in silhouette. Is this due to being uncomfortable with shooting non-models up close, or a photo release issue, or just a personal preference?
One typo I saw was the use of the word “retreated” when you meant “retweated”. Say it like Elmer Fudd and you’ll be OK. :D Funny stories, BTW!!!!
Thanks for sharing!
One more question (I know, I have a lot of them today)…
You said how much you loved the 28-300 Nikkor lens on this trip. Do you feel the 18-200 Nikkor would give the same results on my D300? Seems that the 1.5x conversion factor would say yes, but I would like your opinion. Thanks!
Hi John: the 18-200mm is really close to the same lengths, and it’s what I would have used had I taken my D300. I actually think the 18mm seems wider than the 24mm full frame, but it can only be by a single mm or so, so maybe it’s just me. However, the 28-300mm is much sharper. It’s also bigger and heavier. There’s always a trade-off, eh?
Hi Scott the image of The Tourning Torso building in Malmo, Sweden has few sensor dust spots?? :)))
I spend nearly 200 usd for visible dust stuff but it didnt get rid of a thing of my sensor.
Hi Scott,
these shots simply rock! i don’t have any other words for that! keep on doing more of those stuff it is seen very seldom on this blog these days ;(
btw: don’T forget, in first line you’re a photographer and not a marketing guy ;)
The marketing guy paid for the photographer guy to be able to go to Denmark. ;-)
Absolutely great work Scott and I really like the way you have designed your book. To me the choice you made to go after the architecture more than anything else had a lot to with the design, look and feel of your final presentation, which rocks! The inclusion of just a couple of people within your story further emphasizes the awesome architecture that this country is famous for and the impact that had on you. It tells a personal story, like any book or any presentation should.
I love all your images, but my favourites are image 1, image 9 and image 25, due to your minimalism approach, design and choice of colour palette.
Thanks for sharing this great work with us. I would have a ball photographing in this country.
Hi Scott,
Great set of images. You said you travelled light – did you have a tripod with you for those dusk shots? I’d be interested to know what gear you took .
Your right the Danes are one of the happiest people in the world. They have a word for it over there ‘Hygge’, which is a sort of mix of family values, laid back attitude, cosiness and all round friendliness. Rather remarkable when you think that they pay 60% income tax !
BTW do you have to import your photos into I-Photo/Aperture in order to create the book, or can you import them direct from Lightroom?
I import the images into Lightroom, tweak them there, then export them as high re JPEGs. Then I import those into iPhoto and make the photo book from there. :)
Thanks Scott
I’m glad that you liked our twisted skyscraper and our city Scott =) *thumbs up*
Awesome images by the way ;)
Hi Scott,
Beautiful post. I noticed you like to mix-up the warm and cool colors in the various photos. Question: how do you create the great photo book effect. Love the presentation.
Hi Rafic: I lay the book out in Apple’s iPhoto, using one of their built-in templates (I print a book for myself of every trip) Then, for the blog I just screen captures of the page layouts i did for the book.
Wonderfull to see your images, Scott and to hear your story about , especially Denmark. I drive by many of the places you have visited in Copenhagen, every day. It’s very funny to see, what you have spotted in a few days, that we/I take for granted, and not see as anything special. The HDR image, of the sculpture outside The Black Diamond (Library) really looks fantastic .. also I’ve found a new photo project, The Nykredit building, the way it balances very lightly on the edges and corners, it’s amazing … Mayby I should be a tourist in my own town more often :-) Great that you liked our contry, the high prices aside, I hope you will visit us again, mayby do a “business” trip next time :-)
Living in the south of Sweden, I thouroughly enjoyed this post with all its wonderful pictures from Copenhagen and Malmö. It makes me realize I haven’t visited Copenhagen in a long time to just wander around and have a look.
If I understand your description correctly about the car ferry, you ended up in Helsingborg (where a ferry called Hamlet takes you to Helsingör). Getting a car and two people over costs about $50 one way. But then again, if you say the ferry had already left for the day and that everyone was gone, Helsingborg might not be where you were. There are ferrys going between Helsingborg and Helsingör all around the clock…
I was about to write a comment exactly as this… but I guess I don’t have to. :-)
Nice to hear that you enjoyed our part of the world- hope to see you here soon again.
Nice images Scott! The architecture looks awesome. I hope I get thkere some day to see it for myself.
Hi Scott!
I know that you don’t like me, you never respond to my posts — just kidding :) but I wanted to say, way to go!! Nice shots…seeing your spread on this trip makes me think, I am missing lots of details when I am out and about….good eye mate!
Hi Ken :)
Thanks Scott!!! I really was kidding :)
When are you planning a trip to Russia?????
To visit me of course…no need to bring a grey card either, everything is already grey here!!!!
Hey Scott,
What company are you using to print books now? That seems like a different layout than your normal travel photo stuff
I made this in Apple’s iPhoto, so they do the printing of the book. I’ll check it one last time for typos (and dust spots), then I just hit the Upload Book button and it takes care of everything. I usually get the printed book back in around 5 to 7 days. :)
Thanks for sharing! I now have to try IPhoto for their photo books with my Prague shots. I’m assuming that if you get your books printed this way they must be of some nice quality. Thanks for the insight.
Now I need to go book a trip to Denmark!
Petrol (gas) is relatively cheap in Denmark by British standards :-) Only about USD 8.30/ US gallon
Hi [again] Scott
Thank you for sharing your beautiful shots from Copenhagen. I’ll hope for you, that you’ll once have the time to see more of Denmark. I mean, Copenhagen is a very beautiful city with it’s combination of old and new. But believe me, we have a pretty amazing country side as well. :D
Your shots really give Copenhagen – and Denmark – credit … thank you
Check out my site for beautiful architecture:
And… by the way, Hamlet’s castle is called Kronborg … in case you didn’t know!
Thank you for being an inspiration
Great post Scott and I loved your photos!
How do you get the sky dark blue? I always get it overexposed when i do architecture shots.
Hi Mattias. I had my exposure compensation set to -1 ev all day long (a trick I learned from Bill Fortney some years ago), which makes the skies look darker and richer. :)
Thanks for that great tip!! Do you rise the exposure of the buildings in Lightroom afterwards to get an good overall exposure or do you leave it as it is?
I usually leave it as is. Most of these were shot in pretty bad light—bright sun–middle of the day, so the darker exposure looked better all the way around.
I default to manual mode when I’m shooting architecture but it sounds like you probably use aperture priority to set a wide depth of field and EV compensation to put the exposure right where you want it. In those big sky shots do you spot meter on the sky or use matrix metering to balance the exposure over the whole scene?
I’m looking forward to RC’s book on HDR. Matt’s convinced me that there is a place for it in my portfolio but I’m still trying to find the right image where I prefer my HDR attempt over blending masked exposures of the sky and the architecture. If you guys keep inspiring me like this, one of these days I will take the time to sort it out.
Hi Scott, very nice to see your pictures and that you had a great stay even if it was expensive. I live in Sweden and for us everything in Denmark is 20% more expensive due to the currency rate. So next time, stay in Sweden and go to Denmark over the day! ;-) I really like the design of the album as well.
May I also take the oppurtunity to ask the “crowd” here since I travel to Chicago in June, what should I not miss? What’s a must to photograph? (when we are into travel photography)
Erm…..I don’t recall seeing such a book from your last London trip Mister Kelby.
What about those amazing shots of dull grey sky sapping the colour out of every building, that murky brown Thames, the eclectic mix of people standing on a train for 20 minutes, the arty HDR close up of the malfunctioned electric socket that didn’t charge your iphone.
I wonder why my post and my question is removed in previous blog!!
Hi Mohammad. I searched through my comments and the only other comment I saw from you was another asking what happened to your post. Sorry about that. Can you repost your comment?
Hi Mohammad, i just checked and your comment actualy was posted yesterday. The one where you asked if the lead photo was an HDR.
Try reloading the page Mohammad. My computer fails to update pages I visit with the latest posts all the time. A quick refresh usually takes care of it.
Brilliant. I was waiting for this. Great architectural shot, beauty. I guess it’s all about new modern architecture in Denmark. Very nice. Specially when you show a part of the structure. The interior of the church with the fish eye is amazing.
I really like taps, the red triangle house and the last food photograph as well.
Thanks for tech specs on the camera.
I would not say it’s all about modern architecture in Denmark. I just think that is what Scott focused on.
There are loads of old buildings in Copenhagen, also at some of the paces Scott has visited :)
Theis is right. There are beautiful, charming old buildings everywhere in Denmark, but for my photography on this trip, I was drawn to the modern work. :)
Nice shots. I love the geometric stuff. But, I want to know what you used to get your images onto your website in that book format! It’s a great way to show them off.
See my comment to Rafic above.
Hi Scott,
I live in Canada, but I’m very proud to be danish, and your post just made it even better!! Thanks. Your images are amazing.
I’m going back in August for the Regatta in Silkeborg. The regatta is sort a festival of lights. People go all out with lights on their boats and houses with lights (like its was Christmas), there is the danish championships in fireworks held every night for the duration of the event. The winner gets to blow of an obscene amount of money on fireworks on the final day/night. Its a very cool event that takes place every 3rd year.
One Question: How did you get the pictures to look as if they where in a book?
Cool Pictures Scott, Thank you)
I think yours 400mm seemed to be a better choice))
rockin good shots accompanying this post sir! fantastic detail scenes and that building is crazy! P.s. hey Scott, you ever try a Parker Fly guitar? (no relation to me but i did own one 10 years ago)
You came to Spain and didn’t take any good picture? Man, drop me a line whenever you come back to my country again, it’s full of interesting places!
Good Post Scott, I’ve been in Copenhagen also but never saw it through that particular vision. The picture that opens the post is top notch by the way.
It wasn’t Spain. It was me. Spain is very special to me—my mother was born in Madrid. :)
Ha, una madre madrilena. There you have an explanation why Barcelona didn’t work for you. Madrid and Barcelona …. need I say more ;-)
No kidding? Who’d say, Scott Kelby half Latino ;)
I always look forward to the books of your trips – you always seem to capture so many great images and details. I can’t believe you bombed in Spain either – I guess we all have off days :-)
Very nice as always Scott. Oh well, off to Poop!
Still pooping?
Hey Scott, I think way too often we as photographers feel like we have to always be taking pictures. Which is great if you are on assignment or shoot stock photography. But if you aren’t enjoying the moment what’s the point. Sometimes just relaxing and watching a nice sunrise is so much more memorable than getting a good shot of it. I think that’s another reason why point and shoot cameras are becoming more popular with pros.
Mike Meyer
very cool
Scott, awesome pics! Thanks so much for sharing your trip with us. One quick question – what widget (if in fact it is) did you use to post your photos on the blog so that they appeared to be a page in a book?
See my comment to Rafic above—it explains it.
Wow! Talk about making the best of an opportunity. Nice work, sir! Surely with images like this, the country must have made you an honorable Great Dane. :-)
My favorite shots are the roller coaster structures at Tivoli and the taps on the wall. Both great, visually appealing compositions.
Don’t ya love those iPhoto books. I created a 100-page hardcover book of Alaska/Yukon photos for my wife’s XXth birthday and she’s never been more touched by a gift.
Trev J.
Great trip report Scott. My family’s been fortunate to have spent the last FIVE summers in Lund, Sweden, just north of Malmö. That whole region is fantastic. Just remember, never drive across the bridge between countries unless you have to–take it train (or any public transportation–it’s all good). It’s about $30 for the 3 of us & faster ’cause no parking hassles. You have to try that ferry again though. Go to the duty-free shop during the short crossing (20 minutes?) & just watch the madness–smokes & booze are a flying. I have the 28-300 on my D7000–also love it. Just need to get the 20 f/2.8 for travel. Looks like you got some keepers. Thanks for sharing ’cause I’m not gonna get there again for a while.
Hi Scott, fantastic post as ever, I noticed your style and eye very clearly in these shots, a look I’ve seen a lot in your books. Beautiful pictures, would love to visit but living in Europe where do you start, the UK has enough to keep you busy for 10 lifetimes let alone the rest of Europe.
So glad your Nikon 28-300 is nice and sharp. I’m a Canon guy and my L 28-300 is just too soft for me, I always try to remember Jay Maisel when he says “I’m looking for image quality not pixel quality.” But for a £2200.00 lens it should be sharp as a tack, for most shots you don’t notice too much but if you shoot people and want the eye crisp, it lets me down big time, but what else has the range.
Looking forward to you returning to Europe, I think I heard you were coming back to Germany & Holland for your Light It Retouch It tour, is this still on?
Enjoy your beautiful images.
Cheers, Jonathan
I absolutely agree with you about the 28-300mm lens. It is on my D300s most of the time. I unexpectedly ended up shooting at a local wetlands and got some great pics of a Great Blue Heron in flight. When I cropped in I was amazed at how sharp the image was.
Glad you and Terry had a great trip.
Love the pics!
hi Scott, I live in Copenhagen and I wonder how could I miss all this shoots ( also been to Malmo many times) and while you´v been visiting I was in South Spain with the bad luck of weather, came back with nothing, but after I saw your photos, I feel like I want to grab my D90 and take a tour to rediscover CPH . thank you
A whole course in composition, line and form! That building turned inside out at night.
Great photos, Scott. For a country with such great people though, why are there only 2 shots in all those above that have people in them?
Great pics, Scott! Very inspiring for an upcoming trip I have.
I’d love to hear more information about the backgrounds you shot for compositing. This is something I still struggle with and have a hard time getting realistic results. Particularly when shooting a subject against a white background and compositing them with another shot of a location. If you’re looking for subjects for upcoming blog posts, that’s something I’d be very interested in.
Wow have visited Malmo as I recommended…. :)
Great Shots Scott!
one question… what were your shutter speeds? ;)
Great shots Scott, terrific combination of details, colors and graphic, very striking!
By the way, I was recently reading that for quality of life, Denmark is number one in the world!!
I design architecture when the sun is high and photograph it when the sun is low and and the highest compliment I can give you is that your post made me want to go to Denmark to enjoy these magnificent structures for myself. I’m also challenged to give that mid-day sun another shot. Thank you for the inspiration!
Scott, you are such a totally cool guy and I so enjoy your posts, especially the travel diaries!! They always make me want to pack my bags and grab the camera! :-)
What a weird lookin’ twisty building!
Very nice photos as usual! I’m wandering about how you put the animation of the book did you do it via IPhoto if so, how did you go that?
I REALLY like images 9, 10 and 11. Well, all of them, really, but those stand out to me.
My dear Scott,
Unique views in these photos is the key of your wonderful Shots.
Plus, we have very good Compositions and excellent retouching.
This is it ….. :)
Take care My dear Master
– Ali
Great photos (as always) and great stories about your trip. I spent several years in Europe while serving in the service a “few” years ago and always marveled at its rich i history and its offerings of photo opportunities. Thanks for sharing.
However, I especially have to thank you for also sharing your “slump” in your trip to Spain. No offense Scott but it truly is nice to know that even pros such as yourself fall into slumps. I felt like I was in a slump recently and could not shoot anything to brag about. The recent Kentucky Derby brought me back to life, thankfully (over 70 pre-Derby events to shoot). So its nice to know both pros and non-pros can encounter such slumps Scott. Again, thanks for your honesty and for sharing.
Great photos. Having lived in Copenhagen most of my life, and been taking pictures of the city in the last 5 years. I’m always fascinated on how new, fresh eyes see the angels and colours of my city. In my opinion Copenhagen is one of the most photogenic cities and you managed to capture quite a bit of it. I might end up emulating some of your shots though *he says with tremble and shame*. I probably could have gotten you into the Saxo Bank building by the way, my wife works there, but I guess that has to next time you pass by my little corner of the world.
Hi Martin:
It was a photo of the inside of the Saxo bank building that made we want to photograph it. As I’m standing outside it, on a Sunday, I’m thinking to myself “I should have sent out a tweet asking if someone had a Saxo bank connection.” :)
As for emulating the shots, you should—absolutely!!!! I would consider it the highest compliment. :)
Hey Scott, sounds like you were taking HDRs without a tripod?
I do it a lot of the time. I don’t notice a difference. I do use a tripod when I shot HDR Arch shots.
Hi Gordon:
They were all hand-held. I didn’t bring my tripod, but I had my D3s, so if I needed to shoot at a high ISO, I knew I’d be OK. It makes you really work on your steady hand-holding, though. :)
Well, my friend, you got some great images this time.
My personal favorite is the two silhouettes by the fountain.
Thanks for sharing.
hey Scott,
Could you share what you used to make the photobook? Maybe a short post on this? That would be great! Also, did you just take screenshots and then post them on your blog, or is there a way to export each page as a jpeg?
I really hope you get around to reading this :)
Would love to see a map of all these locations, to be able to judge how far you travel for the shots within a town. Do you use GPS on your camera to plot the shots?
Hi James:
I didn’t have a GPS, but Terry did on his camera. The vast majority of them were taken in walking distance from our hotel. The others were taken in: (a) Once small area of Malmo, Sweden (literally just a six block area), and (b) at a castle outside of Copenhagen, so the GPS stats wouldn’t be very exciting—just a bunch of pins right next to each other.
Beautiful images. Time to get my passport renewed and start seeing some of the world for myself. Although, I was surprised to learn that the Little Mermaid was Danish. She didn’t seem to have any accent.
Apparently, she spent some time in Shanghai, China and that may have affected her accent. ;-)
An excellent haul of images, Scott. I’ve never considered Copenhagen for a holiday but this is a good commercial to boost their tourism and it’s certainly peaked my interest.
I can’t believe you came up empty handed after 10 days in Barcelona. I loved that city and from a 4 day trip I’ve still got over 400 keepers to go through.
Great shots. The absolutely show the best side of Denmark and Copenhagen (unfortunately it is not always blue skies and no rain). You seem to have captured some of the colors that surround us danes everyday but which we do not take any notice of.
Very inspiring – I need to go out soon and shoot some of my local arcitechture.
I’ve lived near Copenhagen for the last 14 years (I’m originally from England) and caught the photobug a few years ago…. I love the modern architecture in Denmark, especially Saxo bank – and the inside IS amazing especially the stairwell (reminds me of an umbilical chord) here’s a link to my shot, if I maybe so bold…
Your photos are fabulous especially the ones of Turning Torso, which I have yet to visit!
I am amazed that there were no ferries – they usually run every 20 minutes until late at night! But I guess that’s half the fun of travelling… Glad you enjoyed Denmark :o)
That is a very nice collection of pictures! and the layout of the book is very clever, I am going to have to look into that!
Thanks for sharing such great work,
Hi Scott,
Apologies if I sent this twice, I think i messed up the simple act of submitting the comment first time…
I was wondering if you were interesting in making the .pdf of your iPhoto book downloadable? I am travelling a lot for work to Europe lately (from New Zealand!) and really enjoying travel photography, and particularly including architecture shots, and there are some great examples of it here :)
I made an iPhoto book of a week in London, which turned out well, but I see there is still a lot to learn not just about travel photos but especially book layout! It would be great to keep a pdf on hand for reference for my next effort, if you are comfortable with that!
Thanks very much,
The shots make for a great coffee table book Scott!
Talking of Photo Walks…really looking forward to this years WWPW…a blurb book of best shots from around the world would be an awesome future prize/charity auction gift.
All the best to you & yours,
Awesome Denmark / Sweden photos..!
You mentioned you used iPhoto’s book template to create the album. What program or app to you use to post / display the album layout in your blog? Its very clean view and simple to navigate (prev, next, close buttons). Are you using WordPress for your blog?
Thanks for sharing!
I would like to know the answer to those two questions too! Thanks Scott!
I just made Screen Captures of the iPhoto layouts just as they looked on screen. Then, WordPress just creates a larger size pop-up window when you click on the smaller images (if you link to the larger size, which I always do).
Thanks Scott! So if I understand correctly the “Prev” and “Next” function on the blog is a functionality of WordPress?
Really wonderful shots. How did you take the picture in the tunnel without a tripod? Zen like breathing control?
I always love your iPhoto books of your trips. I just made one from my Las Vegas trip and wanted to share it with my friends via email but like Miguel I have a question about the screenshot. I have done that but how do you have the ability to (click on any one for MUCH larger view) as you said in your blog. When I send the email and then click on the photo page it comes out the same size. What am I doing wrong. Thanks so much for your help. You are truly an inspiration – thank you!!
Beautiful in their simplicity and display in the book format. Thanks for the inspiration Scott.
Great images, as always Scott. OK, if no one else has said it, I will. In the father and son “fountain” image, it kinda looks like the little guy is getting pee’d on. Though I’m sure Copenhagen has laws against such things. :-)
I’m happy you had a great trip to Denmark. I love your images – great angels and colors. I especially fancy your images of our architecture :-)
Like the book layout above, I see you use iphoto, is there a PC equivalent to create this book effect.
By the way it looks awesome.
Now only if you could make some sort of course in with images like this. (Like the PP and stuff)
Not everyone has a model and the lights you have in a studio!
How do you get the skies to go real blue (without affecting other elements in the pic)? any simple techniques?
Hey Scott,
Next time you’re in Malmö, I would be very happy to take you (and family, if they come along) on the Malmö photowalk! I’ve done it every year for your photowalk event. It would be so much fun to show you Malmö from a photowalk leader’s point of view :-)
My Danish Grandmother once told me: “There is only one thing the Swedes have that is better than the Danes ……………………. They have better neighbors”.
Of course, I’m sure the Swedes say the same thing the other way around.
Nice photos and yeah, it seemed very expensive when I first visited Denmark 38 years ago.
And the norwegians goes to sweden/denmark for shopping to save money! ;)
Really, really great shots Scott.
Loved reading about your trip to “my side of the world”. I´m a real newbie when it comes to photography and I´m really inspired/amazed how you succeed in capturing my backyard in a way I have never done it before even if I have lived in Malmö for 30 years. I guess That is the difference between a pro and, well, me… :)
Next time you’re over there Scott, stop in Lund (near Malmö) and see the Astronomical Clock in Lund Cathedral. It dates from the 14th century. Just check the times that it plays first.
Love the pictures; great book! My all time favorite post of Terry’s is the one where he followed his GPS blindly in AZ. I see he still is:) My husband follows his blindly too. I think it is a guy thing. I love my Navigon app too and will–almost– follow it blindly. However, I usually at least peek at my route.
Interesting and inspiring to see my city though your lens. Thanks.
I saw photoshopusertv episode 266 today and i was thinking.. hmmm i know that bridge.. Kronborg ;-)
Thank you for visiting my country. And thank you for writing the three books Digital Photography volume 1-3. They are a fantastic help and inspiration – and I like your humour.
However, in volume 2 page 21 (at least in the danish edition) you have stated that rear sync will give the camera time to expose related to the background light and in this way improove the colour and details in the background.
This I simply don’t understand. If the aperture and exposure time is the same, then the exposure value is the same no matter the syncronisation of the flash. I have made some trials and do not really see any difference in this respect using rear sync.
Am I right or wrong?
Best regards