How to Tether Your Camera to Your iPad

Happy Tuesday and welcome to November everybody (I know, I can’t believe it’s November already either).


So, you guys know I’m a huge fan of TetherTools, and I use a bunch of their gear when I shoot tethered either in the studio or on location, so when I saw this blog post from them on how to shoot tethered directly into your iPad, I thought you all might be interested (and yes, I know there are a bunch of different ways to do this, but there are some distinct advantages to their solution).

Anyway, here’s a link to their post — it’s really useful, and I hope you find it helpful.

In other news…
(1) Did I mention Photoshop World Conference 2017 Orlando registration is now open? (I know I did, but it bears repeating, right?) We’re there in the Spring of 2017. You oughta come out (and get your tickets now while they’re really cheap!).

(2) Thanks to everybody who follows me on Instagram (and has been with me on my Instagram journey, or maybe took my class on how to build your audience on Instagram). I just hit 100,000 followers there last week, and I’m very grateful to everyone who follows me there, and let’s me share my travel photography images with them there daily. You guys rock!

(3) If you’re into Lightroom Mobile, I have a brand new super-awesome book on it, and it’s available right now in print or in ebook version from Amazon, or Barnes & Noble, or wherever cool Lightroom books are sold. BTW: It’s only about $20 for the print edition, and around $10 for the eBook version. Pretty sweet deals both (well, of course I would say that, but it’s true). 

OK, that’s pretty much all the news I got (though Adobe MAX is happening, so check my Facebook page for the latest stuff about any Creative Cloud updates to Photoshop, Lightroom and stuff).

Gotta run — hope your November is off to an awesome start!




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