The Blooper Reel Distraction Ploy

The fairly embarrassing “behind the scenes/not so best-of” video clip above is designed to distract you from the fact that two days ago we should have launched the new 13-week season of Photoshop User TV on our new set, with our new format (so go ahead and watch that video clip now—-it helps ease the pain).

In short, here’s what happened: When we showed up to tape the show last week, we all kind of realized that everything wasn’t quite in place yet (ugh!). The set is much larger than before, and as soon as we started blocking the segments, we realized that we needed a lot more studio lighting than we thought, so we ordered a whole new lighting set-up from Westcott (they make video lighting, too and we already use their stuff on our green screen set and it rocks, so we’re totally relighting our real set with their lights). The lighting should be here today, as well as some mounts we’re missing for the video panels, and well…it all just wasn’t ready yet, so once again, we wait.

Anyway, you all have been really (overly) patient while we’re getting this all together, so thanks for hanging in there with us. Dave, Matt, and I are really excited about the new format, and we think you guys will totally dig it, if we can just get everything together and launch this new season. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we can shoot the season premiere early next week.

Once we get that done, we can move onto getting D-Town TV up and running on its new set and get that baby launched. I know, I know….one thing at a time. Ugh!

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