Here’s what happening out there (and by “out there” I mean, over there where I’m pointing):⢠Last week Adobe did an offical online “Lightroom Launch Party” and NAPP was invited to host one of the sections of the party, live from NAPP headquarters, but I was out in Yosemite and Matt & Dave were out at Adobe at a training workshop, so instead I produced a short video clip live from Yosemite at the Digital Landscape Workshop Series (DLWS), where I was doing a Lightroom class. It’s a short clip, and you get to see behind the scenes at the workshop, and the students reaction to Lightroom. Click here to watch the video online.
⢠Lots more news tomorrow (hopefully including some more photos from Yosemite), so we’ll see you then!
⢠Nikon has launched a special Web site with loads of information on their VR (Vibration Reduction) technology. It’s very well and definitely worth a visit, by clicking here.
⢠COOL SITE: Check out this site that features posts of “lost photos,” (found that have been discarded, so they don’t know who is in the photos, who took them, where they were taken, etc.). It’s surprisingly interesting, and very well done. It sounds kind of weird, but it’s actaully pretty cool. Check it out by clicking here.
⢠Great little article (with videos) about why Mac users using iPhoto to manage their photo collection should switch to Adobe Lightroom. Click here to read it and watch the videos.
⢠I ran across this very cool little site which has a “Camera Simulator” that is wonderful for showing how different apertures and shutter speeds affect how the photo will look. It’s interactive, and very cleverly done. Even if you know this stuff cold, it’s still just cool to see how they’ve set this up. Click here to check it out.
⢠If you’re curious about Lightroom, check out Terry White’s Creative Suite Podcast (just posted today), which includes a great tutorial on getting started with Lightroom 1.0. Check it out by clicking here. (Don’t forget, you can download the free 30-day Trial Version of Lightroom from