Howdy folks; it’s Friday, and here’s what’s goin’ on as we head into the weekend:
- As I was pulling into my driveway, back from taking my son to school on Wednesday morning, and I looked up to see a huge Bald Eagle heading straight for my back yard; but this time I was ready. I ran in and all my gear was in place; monopod attached, memory card formatted, all the settings in place; so I ran outside and never saw him again. Waited for quite a while, but not a sign of him. Now, he’s toying with me. Even though I missed him again, one of my readers, Joel Schilling, had a similar experience, but by golly he got the shot! Here’s the link to Joel’s shot!
- Another one of my frequent readers (and commenter), photographer Crash Taylor has put together some very cool things on his blog where he interviews photographers, and shows samples of his work, and although he just recently started it, he’s already got some great stuff up there. Here’s the link to check it out.
- We have two new online classes up at, both of them from the amazing Corey Barker (that’s Corey pictured above), and both of them on the just released Photoshop CS4. The first is “Photoshop CS4 for Beginners” (link) and the 2nd is for graphic designers, called “Design Effects with Photoshop CS4” (link).
- Our buddy, and digital video mega guru Rich Harrington has been doing a series of videos on the new features of Photoshop CS4. You can check them out by clicking here.
- Next week is the deadline to enter my ‘iPhone Photography Contest” (The cut-off is October 24th), so get your entries in ASAP for your chance to win a $500 Apple Gift Card, or a $100 iTunes Gift Card if you win one of the categories. Here’s the link for details. Also, my iPhone Book is now in stock at (They’ve got it for only $13.59) and Barnes& Makes a perfect gift, eh?). Also, don’t forget; today is “iPhone App” Friday at Terry White’s Tech Blog.
- I hope I’ll see some of you at the kickoff of my Lighroom 2 Live! Tour in Dallas, Texas on October 27th, and then onto Orlando, FL on October 29th. Here’s the link for more details and to sign up for the full-day event (NAPP members can sign-up for just $79).
That’s it for this Friday. Have a totally kick-butt weekend everybody, and I hope you’ll check back in here on Monday!