It’s #TravelTuesday and I, Dave Williams, am coming at you from Austin, Texas. Yep, I’m still here! Honestly, though, I’m melting. It’s a far cry from the nordic winter I just experienced. With the word ‘winter’ mentioned I’m now set to let you know that today we’re going ‘off piste’. This post has nothing to do with creativity and everything to do with creativity all at the same time. Let’s go!
The roots of creativity differ with all of us. Some people need constant stimulation, while others need tranquility. There are many things that influence our creativity and I can say with absolute confidence that I know exactly what to do to kick start mine if there’s something lacking. The thing I need is a change of scenery, and it works a treat when I’m in a creative rut. I’m working on a few projects right now, including a book. Being here in Austin is perfect because not only have I changed my scenery simply by being here, I can also change my scenery within Austin when a paragraph doesn’t quite flow right and I need to give myself a boost.
That boost is currently coming to life in the form of a coffee and BBQ tour led by expert tour guide and creative guru, Mark Heaps.
There’s something to be said about how creativity inspires itself. The creativity of the city around me is inspiring the creativity inside of me and I’m getting much more done in this environment. When I feel like there’s a lull, all I have to do is go and sit somewhere else and take inspiration. As I said, the root of creativity is different for each of us. That said, I firmly believe that each of us can be inspired by a change of scenery, even if it’s just by facing the other direction or stepping outside. You can check many of my other posts for creative inspiration, too. Whatever it is that inspires you is something you should keep close to the front of your mind. Whenever you feel your creativity running downhill, pull out that card and play it.
See. Nothing and everything to do with creativity. Now, I have to get back to book writing and lesson planning. If you happen to be in the Austin area, I’ll be speaking at Precision Camera this weekend. Keep an eye on my social feed for details.
Much love