Three Quick Bits Monday News Stuff (and a rocket launch!)

Howdy, folks – here’s what’s up:

Check out this still image my buddy Erik Kuna (or “dcats” to Grid viewers) – took at last week’s NASA Atlas 5 Rocket launch from the Cape (one of three cameras he had set up), but then he took his still image into Plotaverse to add the animation you see below (click the play button). Man, does it work like a charm for shots like this!

Congrats, Erik on an amazing shot! (plus, that Plotaverse is amazing)! Not to plug our own stuff, but at the same time actually plug our stuff – we have an entire course on how to add animation to your still images. Here’s the link, ya know, if you’re so included.


I’m excited, honored and just plain psyched to be included in Berlin-based XXLPix’s annual list of the Top 100 Photographers on The Web. It’s an international listing, and I’m thrilled to be on a list with many awesome photographers. Many thanks XXLpix. You can see the whole Top 100 list here. 




My Venice Travel Photography workshop next month (with guest instructor Mimo Meidany) that I announced last week is sold out (whoo hoo!). I’m excited to share this amazing city with such a cool group of people.


Thanks for stopping by, everybody and we’ll catch you here tomorrow for Tuesday’s with Dave. :)



P.S. Just a few weeks before I’m in Atlanta and then Milwaukee, Wisconsin with my full-day Lightroom seminar. Come out and spend the day with me. Tickets and more details here.

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