Thursday News Quickies


The Hottest Event Of the Summer: The Nik Summit
Nik Software, the company behind plug-ins I can’t live without, like Color Efex Pro 3.0, Silver Efex, and Viveza 2, is launching a very special event this May in San Diego called, “The Nik Summit” where they’re bringing together a group of top photographers (including the likes of Tony Corbell, Joe McNally, and Rick Sammon no less) and top instructors for a very cool creativity/training experience, and you’re invited.

If you’ve got a sec, check out their event site, and see if this just doesn’t sound cool as anything! Here’s the link.

If you Shoot Macro, You Gotta Get This T-Shirt!
Photographer Dan Stroka came up with just a very clever shirt for any photographer into Macro. I won’t spoil it (you have to see it yourself—you’ll crack up), but here’s the link.

Thanks to this week’s Guest Blogger, Joshua Black Wilkins
I think Brad’s idea of giving us a peek into the world of famous photographers, through their full-time assistants, is really fascinating and entertaining, and learning about folks like Joshua, and his story, how he got there, and where he’s going is just very cool. Thanks Joshua for sharing your story with us.

Contest for Photographing Children
Ginny Felch, who has the top-selling book on how to photograph children, is running a very compelling contest over on her blog for children’s photography, and the winner gets a copy of Lightroom. Here’s the link with all the details. (NOTE: Besides the contest, she’s got a great blog, with lot of great photography—definitely worth a visit).

Don’t be the last person in the world to enter Adorama’s iPhone contest
There are already over 5,000 entries—why isn’t yours in there? (OK, maybe yours is, but you know what I mean). It doesn’t cost anything to enter, and the prizes are insane (be aware though, that’s the same term that my son uses to describe the taste of a “Chicken Nugget” as in, “Dad, have you ever actually tasted a chicken nugget? They’re ‘Insane!” By the way, he actually said that, and I couldn’t stop laughing for two solid days). ;-) Anyway, here’s how to enter: (1) Look at the photos on your iPhone. (2) Find a really good one. (3) Enter the contest here. (4) Sit back and wait for prizes to rain upon you (or not, depending on how you did in Step 2. By the way: when you finally do see the winning photo (which hasn’t been chosen yet—there’s still time to enter), you’ll see it and think to yourself, “Oh man, I should have entered.” That, I can guarantee! OK, now go and enter.

New Online Class: Fixing Photographic Problems with Photoshop with Dave Cross
This class just went up live on Kelby Training Online, and just today I saw two emails from students who were raving about the class (despite the fact that much of it was in Canadian). ;-) Here’s the link. Also, thanks to everybody whose been sharing feedback and helping us get the kinks out of our cool new player. It’s coming right along, with more fixes (and new features) coming, so many thanks you guys.

It’s 12:50 am. I’m hitting the sack.
I hope you guys have a great Thursday—-in fact, I hope it’s your best Thursday yet! See ya tomorrow for some Fridayesque stuff.

  1. Another reason our photos aren’t in there – the iPhone is restricted to AT&T which has very spotty 3G coverage in many metro areas despite their ad attempts to indicate otherwise…

    If it were more broadly set to “phone camera” or “3MP or less camera” I submit that there would be MANY more entries…

    Don’t get me wrong – I would love an iPhone, and not only for the camera. At the same time though, I like to get what I pay for which is why I refuse to give up Verizon coverage for AT&T…

    1. > the iPhone is restricted to AT&T which has very spotty 3G coverage in many metro areas despite their ad attempts to indicate otherwise…

      Amen to that. The only reason I never got an iPhone; AT&T is a super deal breaker. I have lots and lots of friends and associates that have iPhones, I lust after having an iPhone until my call to them drops or we’re together and they have no bars and I’ve got four on Verizon. The answer, Droid. .

  2. – My entry isn’t in there because I don’t own an iPhone. Hopefully the rumors are true and Verizon will be getting them this year – then I’ll have one.

    – Call me dense but I don’t get the Macro shirt saying. :(

    – The Contest for photographing children closed Jan 31st according to the blog post on Ginny’s web site.

    – Dave Cross’ course is fantastic. It’s amazing to see the before and after comparisons. Of course I’m not going to let me wife watch it or else she’ll think I can do that with any of our photos that have issues but my PS skills suck compared to Dave’s.

  3. On the contest: I happily snapped a picture and spent quite some time editing it into something wonderful, just to see that I cannot enter because I live in Europe :( (I personally think it’s time to realize that the Internet has no country boundaries.)

  4. Hmmm… did you follow your link to Ginny Felch’s contest info? From my preliminary look around on the site, it looks like the contest ended in January; and this post was done when? :-)

  5. “…despite the fact that much of it was in Canadian.”

    Some years ago, I met a girl from Pennsylvania who asked me whether we spoke “Canadian or English” up here in the Great White North. I guess she could be forgiven as she was only 15 at the time. ;-)

    Ken: Don’t ever let a Quebecker hear you suggest that speaking French and speaking “Canadian” are synonymous. Not that English Canadians would be any more thrilled with that suggestion either. :-)

    Trev J.

  6. Dave Cross’ workshop in Canadian eh?
    Well let me tell you that we speak the Queen’s language up here even if our Prime Minister Progrogued the Parliament til after the Olympics and the Loonie is on a par with your Greenback, and we drive in kilometres and measure in centimetres and spell neighbour and honour the correct way.
    Too funny Scott . . . eh?

  7. Mr Kelby,

    I think that Children’s Photocontest ended on January 31st. I thought I’ll let you know.
    I read your blog every day as soon as I get to my office, it has become a daily ritual.


    Cesar Palacio

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